Cheesy Comb in Roo


9 Years
Mar 24, 2010

We have a flock of banties, and one of the roos who's about 3 months old has developed a really gross-looking comb and face. I've looked in Storey's book and on the 'net and can't find anything like this. Does anyone know what it is? It's so ugly. He's the only one that has it so I assume it's not that contagious, but I'd really like to find a cure for this if possible. Thanks in adavance.
Shucks, those stuff does not look nice, maybe just for safety sake it is best to quarantine him until you know what that is. I have encountered something similar in the past. But then I knew what was the problem, I have a prickly pear bushes on my ground, and they loved to dig into it and eat the fruit, the little thorns sticked into their faces and started to get infectious
Oh my we have prickly pear too. Good idea to quarantine. Wonder if it's just that, the prickly pear. Thanks for the input.
After looking at the picture again, I notice he has it around his eye. Watch him closely because he could get ey infection from this. I might get some antibiotic on hand just in case it gets worse--not to treat the fowl pox, but to treat a secondary bacterial infection if one develops. Enrofloxacin from is an animal source of baytril (antibiotic) online. Separate him from the others because it is contagious, or if others are getting it put them in a separate area. Be sure and check for mouth lesions!
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Thanks very much. He is freeranging as they do during the day and I can't catch him...but will be able to get him tonight when he goes into the barn to roost. Thanks again.
Dear amsunshine,

These appear to be a dry fowl pox at initial stage. We have mosquitos round the year where i live and i get this problem very often especially in newly hatched lot. I always use Variolinum 30 a Homeopathic medicine few drops in half liter of water to all bird. It cures the disease in effected bird and act as prophylactic for other birds. three days treatment is enough to cure.

If there are deptheric lesions in beak use Nat sulph 30 few drops in 10 CC water and drench to effected bird.

This information is based on my personal experience.

That's pox. Watch him carefully as some of the sores are close to his eyes and mouth and they might get infected or he might end up with wet pox

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