Chehalis, WA looking for Salmon Faverolles

No problem. I had a baby silver sebright hatch out early this morning. So stinkin cute! And I have an extra hen. I am also selling a few peafowl too. I am trying to decide which ones to part with... So hard. I love my birds! And hatching out the babies is so much fun!! :) I need to build more pens!! Then I could separate and breed purebreds much easier! And all my different kinds too! Chickens, Ducks, Peafowl, Guinea Fowl, and Geese! Looking for some turkeys too! Gotta get to building!!
So the good news... All three SF eggs hatched yesterday. The bad news... Only one of them is a purebred SF. The other two came out black which means they are SF/Banty cross. Let me know if you would like them or not. I also have more SF eggs hatching next weekend. So hopefully there will be more pure SF. :)

Awwwww, lol, they always look so scraggly when they first hatch! It's adorable! I will take the one purebred. I found some SF's from a farm not very far from my husband's work, and he is picking up a few on Friday afternoon, but I think it will be a good idea to have another chicken from another line mixed in. Let me know when the others hatch too and if there are purebreds there, I will take them as well. How much do you want for each baby?
$5.00 is fine. Would you like a banty chick too? I have a purebred that is a few weeks old and about the same size as these newly Could you also give me the contact info for the other person selling SF. I would also like to add a different breeding line. I found someone near me and went to look at them, but his rooster was not at all good quality so I didn't buy any. The hatchery ones really lose a lot fo thier looks and are not desireable. I am trying very hard to get the best looking/quality that I can so the lines stay true to the breed. Cant beat those fluffy faces! :) And I am driving down there on Friday around 2:30/3ish to Adna so I can bring it/them and meet you.
I don't think I had better take a banty right now. We are going to get the chicks from The Bradley Farm in Tacoma. Here is the link to their FB page: They haven't got any photos of their SF's up right now, but their other birds are incredibly beautiful and they are really nice people. Very responsive to any and all questions. I think he has 20 SF's hatching today, and had ten between the ages of 3 days and 3 weeks the other day. Also asking $5 per bird, and this weekend running buy five get one free. We are also going to get some of the Coronation and Light Sussex's from them.

I'll PM you my address if you can come by the house, that would be great because I am trapped during the week with no car to drive. Our truck is hell on my wrists, I had surgery for torn cartilage on both of them less than a hear ago, so pity, pity, pity party for me, me, me. :) We don't live far from Safeway at all, or I could meet you on foot at Katie's Candies.
Awesome. I will get a hold of them. The yellow SF is starting to dry off and the cheeks are fluffy!! So dang cute! I bought mine last year as 4 month olds so they were already feathered out and not chick looking at all. I am so loving my SF/Ameraucana babies too! They look very much like true SF. I will keep them and see what the eggs look like and production. Might breed more of those for next year if they turn out to be a great bird. I am very much into the personality traits also. The breeder in Oregon who I am on a waiting list with had to return a rooster she had borrowed to breed because he was mean. SF are never suppose to be mean no matter what. So there was something not right with him. Mine wouldnt hurt a fly. He's my big pretty boy. Hopefully I can find another good rooster so I can breed more pure SF easier. My one guy is trying to fertilize a very large flock of

I will try to swing by and drop them off before I go to Adna then. That way you can get it under the heat quickly! See you on Friday.

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