Name: Queste
Speciæ: Type 1 Harmless Spook
Strength: Intangibility. Facinated by the mundane. Stained glass windows (forever the fashion of the Enlightenment period. Very common) leave her awestruck. I guess when she died, they were just starting to refine glass- and metal- working. Spices, exotic pets, and colorful cloth. She finds wonder in every little thing. Funny how a ghost can lift your spirits.
Vice: Tangibility. She can be touched, though she has to touch you first. The moment she lets go the bond is broken, leaving nothing but a vapor. One wouldn't think this mattered much, and it can be a good thing. She gives very nice hugs, after all, but not all people like ghosts. Most wish her dead, as it were: gone.
Friendly but distant at times, you could see her walking down the street, or carrying out conversation with you, looking and acting completely human. Until she disappears or goes through a wall, that is.
High solids objects are harder for her to pass through. So, say a locked wooden door would be easier to enter than a brick wall, or a metal cage.
Occupation: Nomad. No alliance.
(Edited in front of the sentence that says "High solids objects...")
Inside? Dear me, no! Actually, I knew some who did that a bit. I suppose so...
Hmm, I'd heard that from a merchant, but didn't believe him. He fibs quite a bit, the ol fart. In fact he may be fibbin' bout how mint likes warm weather, but I don't know.
I grow a few things out back. Black Forest and Chamomile for teas, and then a few vegetables. I have a friend that brings me most of what I need.
Is this going to run like we could be heroes in that there is a specific time to try to be on, or just post and wait until some one replies? (for the summer I think I would prefer the later)
Yeah, it's going to be more laid back.
ooo can I be the centaur?

(I only just realized that the character options had more info.)

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