Chewing Tobacco Etiquette...

SO gross. But, I have a cousin that chews it and he must have good "etiquette" b/c I hardly notice that he's even doing it when we are together! So kudos to him I guess.
I figured out a long time ago that the best tobacco etiquette is to avoid tobacco products all together. My gums are finally recovering. I quit dipping as a teen because you could see the roots of my bottom teeth through the gums. I also had to keep mouthwash with me at all times. I know if I was a woman I would not kiss anyone with that nasty stuff in their mouth. It was way more trouble than it is worth. I personally will not date anyone who uses any type tobacco and I smoked until a little over 2 years ago. Tobacco is nasty stuff period.
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Do not spit out the window of a pick up when there are others riding in the back. Had a guy do that and I got hit. Opened the back window and told him to not do it again or else! We were hunting and I had my rifle with me. He didn't spit again.

So you see it can be dangerous to your health in more then one way.
I worked with a guy who chewed and spit in all the garbage cans. It made them smell something aweful. Him and I got in a few fights over it. Finally I bought him a spittoon I found in a tobacco store. He was so flattered I bought it for him and loved it so much that it's all he ever used for his chew afterwards. The problem was solved and now all of a sudden he was inviting me over to his house for keg parties. He was a good ol Georgia boy and we had plenty of good times after that.
My only friend who dips has good ediquette
(If he didn't, we probably wouldn't see as much of each other)

At least you guys' coworkers were using cups and trashcans.

When I worked at WalMart customers would spit on the white tile floor!!! Found a big ole dip of pre-chewed one time too. Even if you don't like WalMart (just dont' shop there then!!) you don't have to be so disrespectful to the other customers and average joe employees who are just trying to make a livin. Just sayin.
My kitchen sink is not a place to spit. Even if you run water in the sink afterwards. Neither is the trash can in the kitchen. I also think if it is a no smoking place it should be a no dip place too. I hate when I am trying to do business with some one with a dip and have to watch them spit.. Dippin' is just gross. I have 2 sons and a son in law that dip when they are at my house they take it outside with the ones that smoke. Just my 2 cents worth.

have fun

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