Chic with diarrhea? ?


In the Brooder
May 22, 2017
I have 4 chicks and one has had diarrhea for about a week. It seemed to improve for a couple of days, but today it looks like tan soup and stinks worse. I can't seem to identify which one it's coming from either. I have been alternating plain water and electrolyte mixed. Any ideas. No one has ruffled feathers or is acting strange or lethargic. Chicks are about 4-5 weeks old.
Since you've been dealing with this for a week, I'd put them on Corid immediately as it simply isn't worth the risk.

The time frame for coccidiosis is right, and it doesn't produce bloody diarrhea unless it is in the right area of the gut. You don't need it to grow to the point that it is, especially if you've got them on medicated feed. You can have a slowly lurking coccidiosis, and Corid will rid that risk.

After that, then keep probiotics in their water and add apple cider vinegar, raw without mother, in plastic container only (the acid erodes the zinc on galvanized metal).

It is also possible you are dealing with a lurking bacterial such as eColi. Unfortunately you can't get anything OTC in the feed stores now. I kept Sulmet on hand for those chicks that had lurking coccidiosis or bacterial which cleared whatever in a couple of days.

Chances are it is lurking coccidia over growth since they are too young for worms and no other symptoms (bubbling eyes, coughing) are present.

My thoughts.
I mean, maybe this is just me lol, but I usually don't worry too much about the chick's poop unless they're really acting sick. Just with say, goats and kittens, their poop is usually a little watery or diarrhea-ish for a while. Keep the electrolytes going, and make sure to TRY to fed them medicated starter if at all possible. The med starter prevents coccidiosis and has more vitamins. Maybe check the protein level to make sure it's not too high...? Maybe someone else can help a little better lol
Thanks for the feedback. I am not feeding them medicated starter, I just looked at the bag of feed. So, I should get the corid and give it to all of them?
And @Lucyluvchickens I'm kind of the same as far as not worrying too much until I really need to. Trying not to be a helicopter chick momma.
And what source of probiotics can I give them? I tried yogurt and they weren't loving it. Maybe I'll try the fermented feed.
Thanks for the feedback. I am not feeding them medicated starter, I just looked at the bag of feed. So, I should get the corid and give it to all of them?

This is a judgment call on your BAD do they look?
I've stopped a mild coccidiosis with medicated feed, which does NOT cure coccidiosis. It is Amprolium based medication which is a thiamin inhibitor that slows down the growth of the protozoa (coccida) enough to allow the bird's natural immune system to build resistance to the coccida growth in its intestines to keep it in check.

If however you've got some symptoms of coccidia overgrowth (coccidiosis), then, as they are exponentially multiplying, you've got to more quickly break that cycle or you risk real trouble. Chicks can go from health to death in a matter of a day or two when the coccidia level reaches critical mass as they coccidia are literally eating into the intestinal walls producing the massive blood loss in diarrhea which can lead to permanent scarring and lifelong unthriftiness.

If you've got a mild problem, medicated feed for a number of weeks (4 to 6) can get yourself ahead. If however, you've gotten behind the overgrowth, the best thing to do is hit it with the Corid (which is Amprolium at a higher dose to eradicate the coccidia) then follow up with medicated feed for a number of weeks to wean them off so that their natural immune systems take over....offering further gut support with probiotics and ACV.

Some loose diarrhea in chicks here and there, especially in an overly warm day or brooder, isn't a big thing, just put probiotics and ACVin the water and keep it there.

However a week long of diarrhea that smells bad is a sign of trouble.


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