chick and layer feed


10 Years
Jun 15, 2009
I have laying hens and 4 month old chicks, all out side in enclosed area away from weather. Problem is I have all the hens together with layer food for layers and chick grower food for ther chicks and even though it is separated the food, all hens eat each others, is that ok, does my layers gfet enough of layer food, it is offered separately and do my chicks get enough grower., some people say they jkust give all layer after 4 months, opionios
I know I've read not to feed layer feed till they start laying. When I have chicks and I take them off of starter food I just switch everyone to Flock Rasiser and make sure my layers always have free choice oyster shells!! Works fine!!

I'm in the same boat. I just got layer feed because that's what the store said...they didn't have flock raiser at all. I have laying hens and around three month old chicks and some adolescents...
If you don't have access to Flockraiser for the "in between" stage I would opt for the starter for everyone. The younger chicks can acquire kidney damage from too much calcium from the layer food at too young an age. But the additional protein from the starter won't hurt the older hens.
Briteday yes but I give all age hens the starter food, then will that slow egg production? If not, thenwhy do they sell and say to give layetr feed
The calcium for the eggshell comes right out of the hen's blood. Imagine how much it takes to produce an eggshell - every day.

Now, imagine getting all the calcium into the blood but NOT making an eggshell - every day.

The bird not producing an egg must void all that extra calcium thru the kidneys - every day.

It takes quite a bit of shell to cover an egg.

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Save yourself the stress and feed everybody what the youngest bird requires (NEVER MEDICATED), and offer oyster shells for the layers. Medicated feed is not good for your older chickens, so never feed medicated feed in a "mixed ages" situation! Knowing that could have saved me some trouble!

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