chick biteing me


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 23, 2013
today a chick bite me when i put my hand in the brooder. does it mean that chick is a rooster?
i have a chick with an attitude aswell and when i try to pick another chick up it turns round and bites me but that doesn't mean its a rooster just because it bites
They will peck at your arms and hands if you have any moles or other spots and sometimes just to do it. I think it is how they explore. They also, as another poster points out, peck when startled. Wait until a full grown one "bites". I have one that just loves to bite.
My chicks peck at me when they think I have food. If I take my clog off in the run while I am sitting with them, they peck my painted toenails. It's cute until one decides to really take a bite out of my foot! I think they are just exploring, and with my chickens being hand fed, every time I put my hand out they come running for treats.
I think you might just need to be slow and gentle- remember, they are still adjusting. Treat especially that one with TLC, to show you are his/her friend. Give them treats, but don't spoil them! Then they might just peck at you more. Good luck!
And I dont think that is a sure sign that its a rooster, but I guess you'll find out soon enough!
My chicks peck at me when they think I have food. If I take my clog off in the run while I am sitting with them, they peck my painted toenails. It's cute until one decides to really take a bite out of my foot! I think they are just exploring, and with my chickens being hand fed, every time I put my hand out they come running for treats.
Mine attack my toes if I wear flip flops in the run. I really try to remember to put on clogs when I am going in the run
I Have an 8 week old barred rock That will run at me and bite. She has a companion and a whole room that has boxes with holes for her to stay in. We Have Just finished with our hopefully last snow storm of the year so they going outside in Thursday When I'm off to monitor. I have tried holding her down When She bites then releasing her and "pecking" her back if She tries again but its everyday I have to do this. Is this normal? Will she eventually learn I an head chicken? Any other techniques I could try?
I Have an 8 week old barred rock That will run at me and bite. She has a companion and a whole room that has boxes with holes for her to stay in. We Have Just finished with our hopefully last snow storm of the year so they going outside in Thursday When I'm off to monitor. I have tried holding her down When She bites then releasing her and "pecking" her back if She tries again but its everyday I have to do this. Is this normal? Will she eventually learn I an head chicken? Any other techniques I could try?
Are you sure she's pecking out of aggression and not curiosity? I've never had a hen chase people around, but I have had some that run right up and start pecking out of curiosity. They go for moles, fingernails, shoelaces, whatever might potentially be food. I don't think disciplining her will have much effect.

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