Chick born with intestine outside of body


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 30, 2014
Kirtland Hills, Ohio
Clearly have a chick that is not going to live. However, she is fighting to stay alive. A late hatch. Appears her intestinal tract is outside of her body. Has anyone ever seen such a thing, as I have not. Any advise on how to humanly cull a chick other than scissors??
I had a turkey egg like this the belly button eventually went in and he was fine. if it is bloody you can try putting flour on the navel.
Scissors is the quickest, most humane way to do it. The chick will be out of its misery instantly. No, it's not pretty, but it is effective. If you're not sure if it's intestines or not, maybe you can post a picture and others can chime in.

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