Chick born without a top beak.


Jun 9, 2022
Hey friends- I just received 10 Easter Eggers from TSC. All were good besides one pulleys who has no upper beak. She hasn’t ate but I’ve been able to drop water in her bottom beak. I e tried getting her to eat “mush”. No luck. She Is wobbly but moves around and really just likes being under the heater. Any tips or advice about this situation? Everything I have read hasn’t given me much hope or direction. Thanks!


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Hey friends- I just received 10 Easter Eggers from TSC. All were good besides one pulleys who has no upper beak. She hasn’t ate but I’ve been able to drop water in her bottom beak. I e tried getting her to eat “mush”. No luck. She Is wobbly but moves around and really just likes being under the heater. Any tips or advice about this situation? Everything I have read hasn’t given me much hope or direction. Thanks!
Honestly, the poor thing is likely never gonna have a normal life. Most likely it'll never be able to peck in order to eat the calcium and pebbles it'll need. Nor bugs and plants. This chick will be an extreme special needs bird that'll need round the clock care. It is chancy that it may learn to scoop wet food on it's own with it's bottom beak. You may be able to tube feed it, but that is risky. Chicks need to eat more often then adults do so if your gonna try and save this bird, you may need to tube feed it every few hours or so.
Honestly, the poor thing is likely never gonna have a normal life. Most likely it'll never be able to peck in order to eat the calcium and pebbles it'll need. Nor bugs and plants. This chick will be an extreme special needs bird that'll need round the clock care. It is chancy that it may learn to scoop wet food on it's own with it's bottom beak. You may be able to tube feed it, but that is risky. Chicks need to eat more often then adults do so if your gonna try and save this bird, you may need to tube feed it every few hours or so.
I agree. This chick will probably never be able to live normally. I had a chick named Precious that I got from a hatchery with easter eggers as well. She was a cross beak--where her upper beak hun sideways from her lower beak. We fed her egg yokes and soaked chick food from a dropper and she survived really well on her own, although slightly dwarfed compared to the others. She was doing fine until my dad decided to move them out to the coop. Unfortunately, the temperatures that summer day, plus the stress of the move were too much for her. She got heat stroke and we brought her in. She died overnight. If you do choose to give this chick special care, you have to be slow and try not to let her get stressed.

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