Chick Breed Identification


Sep 12, 2017
I picked up two amber/red colored chicks at Tractor Supply yesterday. The were discounted in a mystery breed bin. I was told the the chicks came from Privett Hatchery and they are not bantams. I checked out Privett's website to try to identify them but there were several breeds that looked like them. I'm hoping someone can help my identify them. The bin had lots of chicks with the same coloring. Some had lighter spots on their heads and some had two darker amber colored stripes on their backs. The chicks are probably 3-4 days old.

Chick #1- has fine dark colored coarse/wiry hairs all over back and wings and a light yellow spot on it's head
chick 2A.jpg

chick 2B.jpg

Chick #2
chick 1D.jpg
chick 1C.jpg
chick 1B.jpg
chick 1A.jpg
TSC will be able to tell you what came in that shipment of chicks. While they usually do not know in advance what they will be getting, one they receive the chicks, the do know what they got. Clearly, they are only 2-3 days old.

I would ask them what breeds came in, then cross check the hatchery website. That should help quite a bit.

Meyer hatchery has a chick ID link, but only for the chicks they sell. Maybe privet hatchery has this type of information beyond their catalogue.

You can Google images of the chicks they may be, and it will show you pics from many sources, not just from Privett.

Good Luck
Thanks Acre4Me for the suggestions! I spoke with TSC when I bought the chicks. The person that took them out of the box threw away the breed identification label so no one in the store knew what breed they were. They ended up discounting the chicks at $1 a piece because the breed was a mystery to everyone. I did lots of chick photo googling and I couldn't seem to pinpoint which breed it is. A lot of the amber/red breed chicks looked similar to each other.
Thanks Acre4Me for the suggestions! I spoke with TSC when I bought the chicks. The person that took them out of the box threw away the breed identification label so no one in the store knew what breed they were. They ended up discounting the chicks at $1 a piece because the breed was a mystery to everyone. I did lots of chick photo googling and I couldn't seem to pinpoint which breed it is. A lot of the amber/red breed chicks looked similar to each other.

LOL! I think that falls under the heading "You only had ONE job..." :barnie

But, still, someone there (If they care enough to help you) can find out what was shipped. Privett knows, and likely someone can look up the invoice on the computer. Of course, they may feign ignorance as a symptom of their apathy. Good luck there.

Also, as a new BYC person - Welcome!

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Lol! You are reading my mind Acre4Me! I asked two employees and a manager about calling Privett Hatchery (I was very serious about getting to the bottom of this mystery :p). I was told that the Hatchery does not keep records of what they sent because TSC receives whatever excess chicks they have that week. Basically, TSC gets a mixed bag and they have no control over what they get or when, and because it's such a mixed assortment, Privett does not keep records of what breeds were sent.
I know!!! It was completely different than all the other chicks in the bin because of it's wiry dark hairs. I just called Privett Hatchery and they confirmed that they do not keep records of what they mail to TSC. I emailed Privett photos and the representative said she would try to see if she could identify the breed. I'll keep you posted Frazzemrat1, if there are any new updates.
I just got a response from the rep at Privett Hatchery. This is what she said "I had someone look at the pictures, he said it is a little hard to tell but looking at them, he said it could be a Red Sex Link but if it has a pea comb than it’s a White Laced Red Cornish."
I just got a response from the rep at Privett Hatchery. This is what she said "I had someone look at the pictures, he said it is a little hard to tell but looking at them, he said it could be a Red Sex Link but if it has a pea comb than it’s a White Laced Red Cornish."

I believe cornish have straight combs.

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