Chick can't poop! Swollen abdomen!

We had similar situation with pasty butt and we cleaned off the poo and washed him and immediately there was a little poo he let go. Then my daughter gently gently rubbed his belly and then a pooped a whole lot. We thought he was going to fully recovery. A day later he died. Also found out today I think my heat lamp was too hot on them. I was told that Could also be causing the pasty butt or dehydration. Good luck. And I agree no food just water til he passes some more.
My chick Harry Potter ( that's his name). Has not been able to poop for the last 2 or more days.he is one week old. His abdomen is hanging down and is dirty. I washed of all the poop around his vent but he still doesn't seem to be able to poo. He isn't as active as the other chicks and stands in a sort of squatting position. I tried soaking him in warm water to get him to do his duty, but he still won't. He is also wobbly and is peeping a lot more than usual. He sounds like he is whimpering or quietly crying. Could his anus be not fully developed? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
i had the same exact problem! all i did was make sure the chick isn’t getting to hot. make sure the chick has plenty of water. and what helped for me was to give the chick some yogurt and it sounds weird but use alittle vaseline to lube its butt and squeeze it’s stomach near the butt area very gently and poop should come out. you may want to lube it again and check on it periodically.

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