chick choking on water HELP


5 Years
Jul 14, 2015
i think my chick got too hot in the brooder yesterday. shes 5 days old. she ate some tiny worms (she wont eat starter feed, so dug out some teeny worms that she just loved) before bed like the night before, however this morning she was limp, stumbling around, had pasty butt. i cleaned her bum, i fed her some fermented chick feed. She had a revival moment this afternoon and then got weak again. i went and bought 3 more chicks (7-10 days old) to give her moral support! At home, she still was weak, so i fed her some fermented chick feed water with some blackstrap molasses and some sav a chick probiotic water. she was readily accepting it all and accepted quite a of liquid. i put her back in the brooder. some seconds later shes lying sprawled out not moving-she was not breathing-choking. so i lifted her , water came pouring out of her mouth, so i lifted her head straight up and started massaging her throat and crop while blowing on her mouth. Shes squeeking now and making peeping action with her beak with a sound only once in a while....WHAT do i DO??thanks in advance for you help!!!!i want her healthy again!!
Honestly I wouldn't know what to do :( I would be so worried that I would spend as much time with her as possible and make sure she's fine. Massage her and keep her warm. Is her crop impacted.? I don't know if chicks can eat worms without some sort of grit.? Maybe you over fed her with the water solution.? So some came back up.? :( is that possible.? I'm so sorry. I would be so scared.!
I would have died if I killed her. I got her some chicks-could only get ones a few days older than her so she got squished a lot. I also got some week and a half old ducklings-and she snuggles better with them.shes not seeking water on her own but she can stand on her legs at least and she opened her eye(one at a time;)the only problem is the ducks get her a wee bit wet sometimes so now I have her on a little cage in their cage and under a light so I have my fingers crossed for the night!!i have to go to work tomorrow so needless to say I'll be worried.probably should keep her separated like that.i can't tell if her crop is impacted-she does poop.(squirt).she ate the worms with soil, so I'm hoping its not impacted. I have her probiotic water.thanks again!
If they can get too hot in the brooder, then you need to modify your brooder so there is a cooler spot away from the light. They will regulate their own temp. I.E. Too cold, move to the light, too hot move away from it. Having other chicks around (imo) at that age is essentual, they will all help regulate eachothers temp, you will find them cuddling often.

At that age I wouldn't suggest anything but starter feed, they will most certainly need grit to digest anything else, but again, hold off on all that, its not needed. Make sure there is food and water available, but don't be alarmed if at such an early age it's not wolfing it down, keep in mind they absorb the yolk sack.

As far as the little chicks fate and possible illness, I'm no vet.

Good luck to you and your little one.
I've read somewhere that it's not always the best thing to give worms to a young chick since their immune systems aren't developed yet, but they're pretty resilient so maybe it's not that. Possibly it could be a digestion issue, in which case I'd provide some sort of fine grit suitable for chicks (they actually have a product called chick grit). Otherwise, I'm not sure, nor do I have the most experience. I do know that not every animal is born healthy, and sometimes there's nothing you can do. Sadly, that's how nature works. I wish you and your chick good luck!

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