chick days-TSC question

Goose and Fig

Grateful Geese
10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Fall Creek Falls TN
Are the chicks at TSC sexed? They are supposed to get some in at the store an hour away from me. I have to make the drive anyway- but I don't want to bring home a bunch of roos
Oh- that makes sense. I was hoping for some Orps or something though- but the store manager didn't know if they come in sexed or not. I made the HUGE mistake of selling my BO girls to get rid of a roo. Got 2 more chicks- but with my luck they'll both be boys.

Will the bins say "pullets" or anything? I've never seen them in store before.
The tubs they are in will say whether they are straight run or pullets. I think I paid 2.49 or 2.69 for the pullets and st. runs were cheaper. The chicks we bought as pullets were all pullets. We only got the sex links, assorted reds and barred rocks at our local TSCs.
One store also had banties.
They might be when they arrive, but by the time half a dozen kids have manhandled them then put them back in the wrong tub..... well, good luck

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