chick doesn't walk after hatching


11 Years
Mar 16, 2008
My chick hatched about 12 hours ago. He is doing well other than the fact that he does not walk or stand up. His legs are just splayed out. Is this normal?
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the title of the thread should be chick DOES NOT walk after hatching.
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A lot of people know more than I do. But with the hatches I have had, the chicks are normally walking (maybe wobbly) after 12 hours. Some walk really well. I have one I am dealing with here too. She has one splayed leg. You can read my post too. I would like to know what, if anything causes splayed legs. Good luck!
Splay leg is not normal. If not corrected now, it will never correct itself (from what I understand). Hopefully someone that has done this before will answer you but people have used bandaids to correct this. I believe they cut it into a skinny strip and then put it around the legs to hold them in the correct position. Try doing a search for splay leg. Good luck to you.

Here, I just found this link with directions.
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Thanks for the link. I tried that. we'll see what happens. Does it take the chick a few hours to learn how to walk? He/she is only 12 hours old, should it be standing by 12 hours or does it take loner? Just trying to get an idea of what is normal, this is my VERY FIRST chcik I have ever hatched
I had a chick like that and used the bandaids for 2 days. After that it took another day for the chick to get up on his feet and start walking. I had another one from the same hatch that I had to cull.

Good luck with your chick.
One of my Cornish X's had splayed legs and could barely stand. He just pulled himself around- was taking water and food, just couldn't keep his legs under him. After asking folks here, I tried the band-aid trick. That ended up being bad for me- he'd still fall down, only now his legs were out to the sides and hooked together so he couldn't get up and the others would rush right over to pick at him. So, I took the band-aid off and just let him tough it out. Yesterday, I removed the papers covering my litter. I found that the papers were part of his problem- he couldn't get any traction. On the chips, he's doing much better. He still has a little trouble with balance, and occasionally his leg slips, but its MUCH better than it was, and he's getting stronger.

On another note, my wife named him Jimmy (because he had the Jimmy legs, for the Seinfeld fans,) so I'm probably going to be one broiler short on butchering day. And I thought I could solve the "we can't eat the new pet" problem by getting layers too!!

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