Chick doing the splits!


In the Brooder
May 5, 2017
New problem with 1 week old chick. We started off real wobbly, left leg didn't seem to work right and its toes were curled. The chick seemed to improve but today when I talked to my husband he said the chick was doing the splits and couldn't get up. I started the chick on electrolytes and vitamin water yesterday. Not sure what else to do, I feel helpless listening to him cheep
Some just don't survive. You could try putting it in a plastic dish, like a sour cream container with a paper towel in it to give it a confined place to push against. Otherwise if it continues to decline than you may have to cull unfortunately. It is frustrating to not be able to help.
Made a splint for splay legs and it can stand upright now. I'm going in every 2 hours to feed and water. It seems to be eating well. Do you think it could be a vitamin deficiency? From what I've read it is too young for Mareks, but I could be wrong.
Generally Mareks symptoms don't show up until after 8 weeks. A vitamin deficiency is always a possibility. Sometimes if they aren't eating well they can get low blood sugar which will make them listless, and can cause brain damage. It could be the sugars in the electrolyte is helping. Keep at it.
could be spraddle leg. Do you use pine wood shavings or newspaper? Chick's leg muscles aren't very strong yet and if they are on a slippery surface their legs can become splayed. You can tie them together-check The Garden Hen-Splayed Legs Repair Youtube. Make sure she is eating and drinking and give her wood shavings (not ceder, give her pine). Good luck!
I've got her on a rubber shelf liner and have splinted legs with a bandaid. Been giving electrolytes with vitamins and added some B 12, bought some Brewers Yeast and thought about using that instead of the B 12.
I have been putting her in a "donut" to keep her upright.
Not sure if there is anything else I can do.

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