Chick essentials.


Mar 5, 2024
I have 3 baby chicks on the way. They are being brooded by a silkie mama, and I just wanted to know if there are any tips of how to make sure they thrive/essential supplies and medications to give them.
Chick starter, plenty of clean water, an incandescent light to keep them warm, a big cardboard box or something to keep them in, and to keep cats out. They are very vulnerable to cats.
Chick starter, plenty of clean water, a light to keep them warm, a big cardboard box or something to keep them in, and to keep cats out. They are very vulnerable to cats.
Do I need a lamp even if they are being raised by a hen? And yeah, DEFINITELY not letting any cats in!
If they are on their own, no hen to take care of them, I think they do, for a while. Put it in one corner of the box so they can get under it if they are cold, and get away from it if not. I like the kind that has a clip on thing, and a reflector. A "shop light" with a 60 watt bulb. Not an LED bulb. Those make lots of light, but not much heat.

But if they have a hen to take care of them maybe you don't need the light. Others here can advise you on that.

If you put them in a box, they are going to be pretty messy. Put some newspaper on the floor of the box, and I like to add some fine wood shavings to soak up the moisture from their poop. There may be something better than the wood chips, but that's what I've always used.
How old are they going to be once you get them? What are your temperatures like (hi/low)?

If the hen is allowed to wean them off her they'll be fine without heat once you get them. Past that you pretty much just need chick appropriate food and a coop ready to go. Having Corid on hand would be advisable as well, just in case.
How old are they going to be once you get them? What are your temperatures like (hi/low)?

If the hen is allowed to wean them off her they'll be fine without heat once you get them. Past that you pretty much just need chick appropriate food and a coop ready to go. Having Corid on hand would be advisable as well, just in case.
The hen is sitting on them

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