Chick Extremely weak!!!

Alaskan gave good advice.
Here is an article you may gain some knowledge from.
(1) Water ~ Use clean, fresh water that is not chlorinated and preferably hasn’t been treated with a water softener. For the first few days, put 2 or 3 tablespoons of sugar in each quart of water to give the little ones extra energy. Do not substitute honey because it can contain botulism spores that are fatal to young animals. I like to use an electrolyte tab in the chick water that contains vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and other nutrients. After the first few days you can give them plain water as long as they appear healthy.

(2) Weakness ~ Chicks that seem weak should be cared for quickly. Warm the little one up in your hands and feed it plain yogurt mixed with water from an eyedropper. Don’t force the liquid into their beak (unless it’s so weak it won’t take food at all), but rather drip very small amounts onto the end of the beak so the baby can tip its head back and swallow it. Be sure it stays warm, isn’t being pecked by the others, and continue feedings at least every 2 hours until it is able to get food and water on its own. If it begins to perk up, you can mix a pinch of chick starter feed into the yogurt mix and see if it will peck at the mix to eat. If the little one had a difficult hatch or is just a bit weak from shipping, but is otherwise healthy, this should get it through a rough patch.

(3) Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies ~ There are too many possibilities to mention here, but most likely if you are feeding a fresh, balanced chick starter, the baby birds are getting all of the nutrients that they need. If you aren’t sure, you may feed them a mashed boiled egg (remove shell). If they have trouble eating this, mix with enough water to make a thin gruel and feed with an eyedropper. Mixing a little bit of yogurt in with the egg will introduce beneficial bacteria to the gut and that may help too. For more information about deficiencies, check out this website…The Merck Veterinary Manual.

(4) sad to say this but:
Putting a Chick Down ~ Sometimes it is necessary to euthanize a chick. If you wish to take it to a veterinary who specializes in bird care, you have that option. When I have the unfortunate task of putting down a sick chick, I use the same method I use for processing chickens…one clean strike of a hatchet to decapitate the bird and end its life quickly. It isn’t pretty and it isn’t easy for me to do. However, I have had to do this on a number of occassions and I know that it ended their suffering.

This article is not a complete reference for caring for sick or injured baby poultry. Instead, it is intended as a starting point. For more information about poultry diseases, check out this website…The Poultry Site ~ Diseases of Poultry
I took one of my little chicks to the vet today to euthanize. I just could not make myself do it. I know it is kind of pansy, but I was attached to the little thing. I sat up for hours the other night trying to make myself just do it- my grandmother used to grab them by the head and with a sharp jerk, twist their heads and break their necks- quick and merciful, I guess. I had the heebie jeebies just thinking of it.
It was a failure to thrive. It was very small and weak. It had trouble swallowing and cried all night and all day, so I think it was suffering. the vet said chances were it would die anyway. regardless of treatment. Did not have gapeworm or a resp. infection. Sooo sad.

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