Chick found hanging upside down


Jul 23, 2020
I found one of my 4 week old BR hanging upside down on the outside of the pen about 6 feet in the air. I thought she was dead, bit then she chirped so I rushed to get her untangled. She was gasping for air and was limp. There was a lot of poop on the netting and on her so I assume she was there for a while. We had a bad thunderstorm late yesterday evening. The chick was wet and very cold. I got a heat lamp on her and she started trilling. She's not gasping anymore and she has enough energy to sit up now. She chirps a lot when we touch her. She's also pooped a lot. It's been about 5 hours since I found her. She's still breathing hard though. She doesn't appear to have any injuries. There's no blood anywhere. She still can't walk. Do you think she'll be ok?
Time will tell if she'll be o.k. or not.

Get her through the shock. Keep her warm and give her tiny sips of warmed sugar water or gatorade.
Do make sure she's got room to move away from the heat lamp.

She may enjoy being left to be quiet, to sleep and be settled down for a few hours instead of handled a lot.

Hope she pulls through.
Shes very lucky to be doing well, you can give her some sugar water, gaterade, peidelyte, or honey, and then try mixing an egg yolk into whatever your feeding her, as well.

She may or may not be ok/pull through but i have high hopes since shes survived till now. Keep her in a warm area away from stressors like bright lights and noises and keep us updated on her!
Onyx (the chick) has slept most of the day, but that was expected. I've seen her drink several times and her crop is full. Her mom and siblings were very happy to get her back. Yes, her mom is a peahen. So far she's taking very good care of the chicks. When Onyx is awake she is very loud.
This morning I found Onyx being snuggled by her mom and all of her siblings. They don't want to leave her. She's still really tired, but it's only been a day.

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