Chick got lick lots by dog

A: the only polish chick, or the only chick at all in her brooder? I've had good experiences with mixing breeds- maybe you could put another chick of a different breed in there to keep her company.
B: I'm not sure- I think that my suggestion above would help with suffering, but aside from that, I don't really know. You might want to do a little research on it.
Ok she's the only polish chick there but she has others in the brooder with her. I'll do some research on this topic.
Oh, I'm sorry for your loss! I've had that happen to animals I tried to rescue before, but it must be even harder if it's a chick you were raising. Getting her back with other chicks is important, unless you want to make her an indoor pet that you give attention to.
She died last night while I was sleeping! 😭
I have had several pairs/trios in birds, but while I've lost some birds in bigger groups, I haven't lost any in the pairs/trios. So, I don't really have experience with that sort of thing.
Does anyone else have any ideas?
I have a RIR named big chicken, she and her sister hung out all the time. I lost her sister from a mongoose attack while she was sitting on a clutch last summer, big chicken grieved for about two months. All you can do is give the bird lots of love, electrolytes, and probiotics, and hope for the best. Hand feeding will also make them feel comforted, but I'm not sure if it's the same with young chicks. I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs

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