Chick got lick lots by dog



Apr 5, 2021
hamilton MT
My Coop
My Coop
I have a chick that got out of the brooder well my dog barged in (like always) and locked it lots. I was outside the whole time working with my chickens (mite dusting) then I walked to my room and noticed that a chick was missing 😳 I looked everywhere (I ended up overlooking it) but found it on the floor. It was soaked and cold. We put it on the lid of the brooder (in a bowl) a let it warm up. There's no wounds on it but I need a idea on what I should check for.
It was just damp but it won't really stand just sitting in its bowl sleeping.
I would get the chick calmed down and out of shock first. This may take a little while. Just leave it in a warm stress free environment. If you have nutri drench or sugar water, you can offer that, but first let the chick calm down and out of panic mode. Others with a lot of knowledge will be along soon.
The others have covered the basics of treating for shock and hypothermia.

To review:
1. Hypothermia - warm and dry the chick as quickly as possible.
2. Shock - Warm sugar water, a pinch of salt and baking soda
3. Check for wounds.
4. Feed egg yolk or soft boiled egg.

We have an excellent team here. Hope your chick recovers okay.
Our old Golden Retriever Yellow Lab mix brought me a chick; it escaped from its mother's care and the dog did what a hundred years of breeding made her do. The chick was fine aside from being a little damp. It went back to its momma right away and lived happily ever after. That dog also used to bring me our ducks on a regular basis. She was an excellent retriever with a soft mouth. She never physically harmed anything she brought me including my son's pet kitten.
How can I keep it fed and hydrated?
We had a weak chick after shipping. Put a Tbsp or 2 of very hot tap water in a small bowl and add 1/2 tsp of sugar. Stir until dissolved then add a pasturized egg yolk to the sugar water and stir again. Using a dropper, slowly drop the liquid at the side of the beak and watch for the chick to start "eating." It will take time... 4 days for our chick to bounce back. You will also want to give your chick 1 drop of Poultry Nutri-Drench directly, once a day for a week. Hope this helps :)
The others have covered the basics of treating for shock and hypothermia.

To review:
1. Hypothermia - warm and dry the chick as quickly as possible.
2. Shock - Warm sugar water, a pinch of salt and baking soda
3. Check for wounds.
4. Feed egg yolk or soft boiled egg.

We have an excellent team here. Hope your chick recovers okay.
i hope too! shes been doing great! she stood up at some times and our dogs wouldnt hurt a fly! they would lick on tho... lol

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