Chick got lick lots by dog

Our old Golden Retriever Yellow Lab mix brought me a chick; it escaped from its mother's care and the dog did what a hundred years of breeding made her do. The chick was fine aside from being a little damp. It went back to its momma right away and lived happily ever after. That dog also used to bring me our ducks on a regular basis. She was an excellent retriever with a soft mouth. She never physically harmed anything she brought me including my son's pet kitten.
I'm so sorry about your chick. That breaks my heart. I really hate this for you and her sister/BFF chick. I'm sure your dog didn't mean to injure the chick, but I would make sure the others can't escape their brooder and suffer the same. Even if your dog was gentle, it doesn't take much to fatally injure a chick. Their bones are so thin and everything is so small. I'm so sorry that I missed this before now. Sadly, I doubt there was anything that you could do to help the chick. I hope you can take comfort that you tried to help her and I'm sure they feel our love. As far as her sister/BFF, I wouldn't worry until she gives you reason to worry. I've got one Polish mixed in with a flock of 7 other pullets. They caused me a little bit of concern in the beginning but now she's the #3 in charge and doesn't take anyone bothering her. She's as sweet as pie to humans and just an awesome chicken. Please let us know how Copper (is it Copper or Cooper?) gets along. Again I'm so sorry you lost your other chick
Blow drying will also help you look under the down for punctures and/or injuries. Even the most well meaning dogs can cause serious injury to chicks. Do you have any nutri drench? It's important to keep it warm and watch out for dehydration. I wish you and your little fluffy friend the best!
How can I keep it fed and hydrated?
I would get the chick calmed down and out of shock first. This may take a little while. Just leave it in a warm stress free environment. If you have nutri drench or sugar water, you can offer that, but first let the chick calm down and out of panic mode. Others with a lot of knowledge will be along soon.
Well it's sleeping in the bowl but waking up to look around...

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