Chick Grit


6 Years
Aug 7, 2013
Western Massachusetts
I have started providing a small handful of chick grit to my 5 babies (2 weeks) as they are eating thinks like blueberries, tomatoes and bugs. I'm never sure how much to give them. Will it hurt them if they eat too much of it?
Treats are fine in moderation, you should limit the amount of treats they get to 10% of their diet or less. They need balanced nutrition that they get from their starter / grower feeds. Too many treats can 'dilute' the nutrition from the feed. It's good that you are providing grit for them though. Hope this helps...
O.K., good. i just realized that your question was geared more towards grit than treats. See the info below, it is directly from the manufacturer of the chick grit I used for my chicks:

Feed Manna ProChick Grit to young birds beginning at two weeks of age. Monitor intake of Chick Grit for the first few days. If consumption is excessive and causes a reduction in feed intake, limit access to Chick Grit. Chick Grit is also suitable for adult poultry and fowl.
It won't hurt them if they eat too much grit. It will just pass through and it is very unlikely that they will eat too much as they tend to be instinctually good at eating it when they need it and not when they don't. I would just keep a little bowl available and not worry about it.

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