Chick has a bump near eye


Nov 13, 2020
Upstate New York
This chick is about 9 weeks old. Today while I was feeding them I noticed a bump on his eye. Is it anything to worry about and should I do anything about it? It’s his right eye and is really noticeable in the second picture.
Make sure the chicks are eating well. I have a few chickens with bumps but they are looking better now. I have sliced garlic in their water
I am not convinced that bump is fowl pox, especially if there are no other scabs. How does it feel—hard, soft, or filled with pus? It could be a peck wound or injury that has formed an abscess, but I have seen hard small cysts around the eye before. Respiratory diseases that cause sinus infections will sometimes appear around an eye, but this looks a little different.
I am not convinced that bump is fowl pox, especially if there are no other scabs. How does it feel—hard, soft, or filled with pus? It could be a peck wound or injury that has formed an abscess, but I have seen hard small cysts around the eye before. Respiratory diseases that cause sinus infections will sometimes appear around an eye, but this looks a little different.
It has some squish to it. It doesn’t feel hard as a rock but soft then hard.

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