chick has been attempting to hatch since before 5am


Jun 14, 2022
There was progress with the crack, it kept getting bigger then it stopped I turn the egg over and saw this…

Any idea what’s going on? Is he still alive?


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I wish I could put a video, it started kind of from the tip and then it started at the center of the bottom and ran up the side
Can you take a picture of the whole egg. I haven’t hatched chicks but I have hatched ducklings
The school that just had my eggs had one try to zip to the end and get stuck instead of around the egg. I took the cap off and baby was in wrong position and that’s why isn’t wasn’t able to zip proper. Pushed itself out and was fully ready to hatch
Can you take a picture of the whole egg. I haven’t hatched chicks but I have hatched ducklings
The school that just had my eggs had one try to zip to the end and get stuck instead of around the egg. I took the cap off and baby was in wrong position and that’s why isn’t wasn’t able to zip proper. Pushed itself out and was fully ready to hatch
Here’s the whole egg.


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That’s length wise
If this was my egg I would open up the air cell end as usually when they zip they are ready. I’m not sure if baby is still alive or not
Once you open up air cell end wet the membrane with coconut oil or Vaseline and look for blood veins. If none I would take more egg shell and keep checking till baby is able to get out
That’s length wise
If this was my egg I would open up the air cell end as usually when they zip they are ready. I’m not sure if baby is still alive or not
Once you open up air cell end wet the membrane with coconut oil or Vaseline and look for blood veins. If none I would take more egg shell and keep checking till baby is able to get out
Okay. Air sack is on the blunt end right?

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