chick has crooked beak, don't know what to do!


11 Years
Mar 24, 2008
my chick, which i think is a Rhode Island Red is starting to get a crooked beak, it seems to be eating fine, but i heard that it would be best to get it put down.
it's a pet, so i really don't want to do that.
i don't know wether i should be very concerned about it or not.
Do you mean a cross beak? I just posted about my similar chick (with pictures) a couple days ago and people had some good advise. Search for cross beak with me as the author and you can read the thread. Good luck. My little chick can still eat fine, we are taking it a day at a time and may try Penetran (details in the thread I started).

p.s. everyone- how do I link to another post?

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