Chick hurt what should I do?


Apr 29, 2017
Andover MA
My Coop
My Coop
I came down this afternoon to let the chicks out for the day and was unfortunate to find that one of my chicks had finally been injured in one of the pecking order brawls. I am still new to chicken owning so I'm not sure what to do. I have some pictures of the injury below for your assessment. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!​


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Ouch! Is that the only injury? Are you sure it was caused by another chicken? Could the beak have been caught on something and scraped when pulling out? It doesn't seem too bad to me but wait for advice from someone who knows more. :D
and ...:welcome
That doesn't appear to be that bad of an injury. Treat her just like a human, since it is not life threatning , watch it for infection, clean it regularly. They do sell a blam if you like to get one for chickens injuries. I don't use it myself, just soap and water is good to keep infection away.
Normally I wouldn't comment on chicken health, but I've seen this kind of thing multiple times and never had any issues. In my birds I noticed it because they were trying to stick their heads through the wire, which didn't work of course, silly birds... or because of the queen bee establishing her dominance. I didn't clean it if it had already scabbed, I left it be instead. No problems thus far, but I'll second the advice to keep an eye on it. Any weird colors or pus shows up and then its time to pull out the chicken medical kit. (Yes... I have one of those...)

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