Chick is dying...*New Question about culling*


11 Years
Oct 26, 2008
Harrodsburg, KY
My 5 day old chick is gasping for air (not panting) and peeping loudly like it's in pain. Right now I have it cupped under my chin b/c it seems to calm it down and quiet it's frantic peeping. All the other chicks are fine. Is it too late for antibiotics to work on this little one? Is there anything I can do to make it more comfortable? I have a feeling it's not going to make it, but I hate watching it suffer.
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Gosh, at this point it I really don't know. If its as bad as it sounds you may just have to do what you can do to make it comfortable. You may even want to concider mercy culling.

Waiting to see what others might think. Good luck.
If you don't know if it is a bacterial infection, antibiotics would be useless either way.

Since the little guy is under a week old, and all others are doing fine, could just be failure to thrive. Could be genetic, could be plugged up somewhere inside, could just not be meant to be. So don't take it too hard. If it really looks like it is in pain and you don't see it making it, culling might be an option.
I agree with silkiechicken and I think a mercy cull might be the best option. Poor little guy.
With one that age...a pair of sharp scissors will do the trick. Just hand chickie over an open plastic bag and snip the head off. It is fast, humane and there is not a bunch of blood.

Good luck to you and little one.
When I put the chick to bed last night, I thought for sure it would be gone by this morning. Well, it's not and it doesn't look good.

I have an expired syringe with horse tranq. (I think sedivet) would 1/2 cc s/q take it out quietly? I'm afraid my scissors aren't sharp enough.
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Tranq would probably do it. If I have to cull the little ones I just break the neck. Use your thumb and index finger and a quick crush of the neck with a sharp twist will dispatch it instantly.
Poor little guy. Always hard to see things like that. And sorry to you for having to go through it. It is never fun.

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