Chick is positioned


In the Brooder
Feb 4, 2022
Hi everyone. I have a chick that is 7 days late. The chick is still moving inside. No internal/external pip. I'm pretty sure chick is upside down. I did research on here and I first made a tiny hole 2 days ago in the air cell. No pip since and it's still moving inside. We opened the air cell even more so we can have a better look at the veins. From the inside of air cell I still see thick veins and I'm pretty sure I see the yolk. Not sure what to do next or how long to wait to see if it will pips. In the meantime I have a damp paper towel around it in the incubator.
on its own.
Um, you shouldn't give a safety hole until it internally pips.
Where is the beak right now? It won't be able to internally pip on its own now that you've opened it up.
I would make a small tear in the inner membrane right where the beak is and have paper towels ready to blot any blood dry.
Pretty sure I see the break on the other end when I candle it. I don't see it at all from the air cell. I'm hesitant to start opening it since it doesn't look like the yolk or veins has been absorbed.
Put smear some vaseline on the membrane that's exposed. It will dry out even with the damp paper towel around it. Is that the only egg or did the others hatch? Did you add that one later? If it's 7 days late, when did you set the egg (s)?
Put smear some vaseline on the membrane that's exposed. It will dry out even with the damp paper towel around it. Is that the only egg or did the others hatch? Did you add that one later? If it's 7 days late, when did you set the egg (s)?
Ok will do. I had 17 chicks that hatched on day 21 and 22. This is the last one that hasn't.

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