Chick keeps getting flipped over on her back!


Apr 15, 2020
I have this adorable little 7 week old pullet that I believe is a black mottled d'uccle. 3 times in the last two days, I have found her lying over on her side/back with her feet in the air. I think when she is resting on the ground, she sticks both feet to one side, then when she gets bumped by the bigger chicks, it just rolls her over. She seems content to lie there, so I'm unsure if she has tried to flip back over and cannot? I have immediately turned her back upright each time, and she goes on about her business as if she is fine. I am very concerned, wondering if she were to get stuck like that and unable to turn, would she die? Has anyone seen this happen? Should I separate her from the other chicks? She appears to be healthy otherwise, eating, drinking etc and moves pretty quickly when she wants to. She does waddle and have a bit of a balance problem, which I was attributing to her heavily feathered feet. She has had issues with the third toe on both feet wanting to turn under (not curled stiffly, but sort of limp). I corrected them both with bandaids in the first couple of weeks of her life, but the left one has recurred and seems to want to stay that way. Is there any input you guys can help me with? Pics of her to follow!


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That is the strangest thing I’ve ever heard! Usually they freak and flip themselves back over. She is beautiful though 💜
Thanks! I’m just a little partial to her lol. I’ve never actually witnessed her getting flipped over, just found her that way. So Idk if she has struggled to turn and has just given up until I found her?? That is what scares me about it... wondering if I don’t find her quickly what would happen 😢
I have a Buckeye that sunbathes similar to that. She starts sitting on the grass and slowly rolls to the point that her legs are sticking more up than sideways. Do not know if that is the same thing but my girl is doing ok.
Sounds like she is just cooling off. I wouldnt worry about it. Btw she is beautiful :love as for the toes that happens sometimes. My hen Poopy has all of her toes like that. Shes 2 years old now and she gets around just fine.
Sounds like she is just cooling off. I wouldnt worry about it. Btw she is beautiful :love as for the toes that happens sometimes. My hen Poopy has all of her toes like that. Shes 2 years old now and she gets around just fine.
Thank you! I hope that’s all it is. Never seen a chicken laid out quite like that and the first time I throught she was dead!
So the toes don’t bother Poopy? I’ve been trying to keep Dottie’s taped or bandaged to keep it out from under the other toe bc when I noticed it, the folded toe looked a little swollen/irritated. Unfortunately nothing stays in place and it gets all poopy anyway 🙁.
I have a Buckeye that sunbathes similar to that. She starts sitting on the grass and slowly rolls to the point that her legs are sticking more up than sideways. Do not know if that is the same thing but my girl is doing ok.
I hope she’s just chilling! I did find her in the coop that way once though. Mine are all babies and for some reason still like to go in the coop during the day to nap lol.
Thank you! I hope that’s all it is. Never seen a chicken laid out quite like that and the first time I throught she was dead!
So the toes don’t bother Poopy? I’ve been trying to keep Dottie’s taped or bandaged to keep it out from under the other toe bc when I noticed it, the folded toe looked a little swollen/irritated. Unfortunately nothing stays in place and it gets all poopy anyway 🙁.
Sometimes she limps a little. It's kinda like shes arthritic but shes usually ok after a couple of days. Its pretty common due to incubators from what I've been told.

It's kinda hard to see from the picture but her toes on both feet are curled inward and her middle toe on her right foot is also curled in. That foot bothers her more. Occassionally it gets a little swollen and I'll let her have a "spa day" with a warm epsom salt bath. She hates it but she walks better afterwards. Poopy is kinda a "wild card" though. She has never liked being touched.
So here's an update on Dottie, and I'm really hoping that someone will chime in with some helpful info! She seemed to be gradually getting a little weaker over the course of Friday-Saturday. She has continued to eat, drink and poop normally. She wants to be with the other chicks and do what they are doing, however it seems as if she is just too tired to do so. She can walk and continues to get up and down the ramp into the coop on her own, although it is with some difficulty. She does move from one area of the run/coop to the other to try to stay in the general vicinity of the other chicks, but she pretty much lies down when she gets where she is going. Her balance is poor and she will almost fall if she tries to scratch herself. I found her flipped over twice yesterday, and the second time I decided I would watch her and see what she did. She waved her feet a couple of times, then just laid there looking around until some of other chicks eventually started picking at her feet so I helped her up. (so I'm still really not sure if she is able to flip back over or not, however I have NOT found her flipped over today). I started giving her some extra nutrition (cooked egg yolks, etc) and vitamin supplements yesterday, and gave her a dose of Nutri-Drench this afternoon. She does seem to be moving around a little more this evening. Anybody have any other suggestions?


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