So I'm raising my two week old possible RIR all by herself. I've been noticing she responds differently to some vocalizatiosn I make. If I burp, she drops, freezes, and stays silent till I tell her everything is ok. If I talk nice and happy, obviously she walks about and chirps contentedly.
Now I've notice that if I purr (trill) she responds by trilling back. I can't quite figure out what the significance of the trill is to her. I was wondering if anyone else might have any ideas on that? She doesn't look all on guard when we do it, but I jsut can't figure out if it's a good call or a bad one.
In any case, it's the cutest darn thing. She trills so softly.
Now I've notice that if I purr (trill) she responds by trilling back. I can't quite figure out what the significance of the trill is to her. I was wondering if anyone else might have any ideas on that? She doesn't look all on guard when we do it, but I jsut can't figure out if it's a good call or a bad one.
In any case, it's the cutest darn thing. She trills so softly.