Chick missing a large area of skin after struggle with snake


8 Years
Oct 4, 2013
This evening, a snake went after my hen and her brood of chicks. It had wrapped around one of the chicks and I tried to save it by pulling the snake off of the chick who then ran off. I caught the hen and chicks to move them to safety, and the chick which I had freed from the snake was injured. There is a large area of exposed tissue under his left wing and the left side of his belly, and a patch of skin off his hip is still attached at the bottom and hanging down. It looks like there's a small puncture wound between his wing and hip but I haven't found any more.

I dabbed the area with iodine to try to sanitize it and applied neosporin, and have a bandage folded over lengthwise wrapped around him just snug enough to keep the detached flap of skin up in place where it should be. I've had to deal with nasty wounds from spurs and dog attacks before, but I've never seen an injury like this where a large area of skin is completely missing as if it's been peeled off... Is there any hope for his skin to grow back? Can that flap of skin attach back to his body if I keep it in place? I've looked for threads of similar situations and there seem to be conflicting suggestions on how to treat such a wound. The chick is asleep in my room now since it's nighttime and he wasn't in shock or trembling, so somehow he doesn't seem to be in extreme pain. I've attached pictures of his injury, I would really appreciate any advice on what to do.


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Oh no! Since she is outside with mama it will be hard to keep it from getting infected.
If the chick can be saved, I will definitely be keeping him in the house while he heals. I would be too worried about flies to put him back outside.

that’s crazy 😦 and i’m sorry that happened. I hope she turns out okay!
Thank you :)
With chickens, air healing is best. Since this is only skin missing it should heal pretty quickly, especially this is a baby chick.

The area just needs to be kept clean, & moist, so it can heal properly. Plain Non Pain Relieving Triple Antibiotic ointment can be used for moistening.
Thank you for the replies, I will follow your advice MysteryChicken. The chick is standing, eating and drinking fine at least. What should I do about that flap of skin and feathers hanging off his hip? I tried taking a picture of it so you could see what I'm referring to. If he needs to air heal, wrapping him in a bandage to hold the loose skin in place wouldn't be good would it? I don't know how to suture either 🙁


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Thank you for the replies, I will follow your advice MysteryChicken. The chick is standing, eating and drinking fine at least. What should I do about that flap of skin and feathers hanging off his hip? I tried taking a picture of it so you could see what I'm referring to. If he needs to air heal, wrapping him in a bandage to hold the loose skin in place wouldn't be good would it? I don't know how to suture either 🙁
The detached piece of skin, could be clipped away. We don't know where the flap originally attached. Whatever skin is missing will regrow during the healing period.

The flap of skin left untouched would eventually shrivel up, & fall off on it's own too.
The detached piece of skin, could be clipped away. We don't know where the flap originally attached. Whatever skin is missing will regrow during the healing period.

The flap of skin left untouched would eventually shrivel up, & fall off on it's own too.
When held up, it fits around the edge of his hip (or what I'm assuming is the hip on a chicken). I figured it would probably have to be cut off. But the poor baby has lost so much already, if it was possible to save that piece of skin then I wanted to keep it.
When held up, it fits around the edge of his hip (or what I'm assuming is the hip on a chicken). I figured it would probably have to be cut off. But the poor baby has lost so much already, if it was possible to save that piece of skin then I wanted to keep it.
You can leave it too, which is fine. Flesh wounds is something I have abit more experience with, since I've dealt with a few.

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