Chick NAMES?????

Subject to change, but so far my 5 chicks, hatched one week ago tomorrow, are:
Clementina (Minnie for short) - Bantam Easter Egger
Fleurette- Salmon Faverolle
Hyacinthe- Cuckoo Marans
Babette- Black Copper Marans
Gigi- Golden-Laced Wyandotte
ok .....
Fred is out Barred Rock
Big Red is our RIR roo
Elsriah is our ?
The Boyz are our 2 black sexlink
Henny and Penny are our 2 ISA
Belina is our RIR hen
Little Henery is one of our Americanas (she looks like a hawk)
Simba is an Americana with a golden head (like a lions maine)
Izzy is our Pekin Duck
and Isabella is our Buff Duck

The rest do not have names but we love them all! They just haven't shown enough personality yet to give them a name.
My RIR from last summer, Brownie (not very original but the kids picked)
My BSL from last summer is Jackie, named for Jackie Robinson last summer because it was some kind of anniversary, DH named
EE is henna because I found it in a post like this.
I have had, Blue, Buffy, Puffy, Frankie, KayKay,
My buff cochin pullet is Candy, because she looks so sweet.
My EE pullet looks like she has some kind of lacing, so we named her Lacy,
2 BR, one is Oreo the other is Dottie because she has a bigger, dark black dot on her chest.
My baby silkie is Lil Boy, just in case she is a boy, I wont be too disappointed.
My frizzel bantums, salt and pepper.

I think it is easier to name them when they get older.

good luck

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