Chick Not Thriving, What to Do?


In the Brooder
Aug 5, 2020
I got an order of chicks in the mail last week (Wednesday). A mix of White plymouth rocks, blue ameraucana, and salmon favorelles.

Thursday night two of the salmon favorelles died pretty suddenly, no signs of illness I am pretty sure it was just shipping stress. I have three more salmon favorelles left, two are thriving and growing one is not. She is much small than the others, just wants to be under the brooder plate and snuggled up to another chick constantly. She distress cries constantly if there's not someone snuggling her but the others are just busy exploring the brooder and being happy chicks. I keep waiting to wake up and find her dead but so far she's holding on. I'm looking for any ideas on what else to do for her, i feel like separating her would just cause her more distress? Her poops are totally normal, but she is obviously weaker than the others.

What I have done so far:
-Given her drops of nutridrench water
-fed her crumbled boiled egg yolk, medicated feed mixed with warm yogurt (she eats well when I remove her from the brooder and feed her from my hand but obviously that's not sustainable)
-shooed her from under the brooder plate to show her the feeder, simulated pecking the food with my finger which helps and she will eat then.

Any tips? Should I isolate her in her own brooder?


Here is a photo of the brooder they are in. We use the producers pride brooder plate.
I think you might just want to leave her alone for about three today's for her to just. The brooder looks a little to small, too.
Really? It's too large totes joined together with the brooder plate on one side and the food on the other. It's 37" by 27". This is their started brooder and as they get bigger and it warms up here I move them to a much larger brooder box on our 3 season enclosed porch.
Watch her and see if she is still eating, drinking, and pooping. I had a chick last year that are shavings and want feeling well. Since then I've been leaving them on a puppy pad covered with paper towels for the first week.

Is her crop emptying?
Watch her and see if she is still eating, drinking, and pooping. I had a chick last year that are shavings and want feeling well. Since then I've been leaving them on a puppy pad covered with paper towels for the first week.

Is her crop emptying?
Thanks, she's not eating or drinking unless I pick her up and place her in front of the food and water. She's just kind of flopping over to the side and won't stand on her own. The other two that died had the same issue, I'm wondering if it was something with the hatch, same breed all with the same symptoms.

Her crop is emptying, healthy poops too. Just won't stand. I think I'm going to lose her ☹️
I'm not sure what else you can try, I was on here 2 weeks ago trying to find any way to save one of my chicks. We did the Nutridrench, electrolytes, and probiotics. She never ate anything and she was only 2 days old when I got her so not exactly like yours.

Like you said, since all your sick chicks were the same breed, maybe there is something wrong with them, maybe even genetically. I'm sorry I don't have any wonderful advice, I'm sorry you are going through this.
I'm not sure what else you can try, I was on here 2 weeks ago trying to find any way to save one of my chicks. We did the Nutridrench, electrolytes, and probiotics. She never ate anything and she was only 2 days old when I got her so not exactly like yours.

Like you said, since all your sick chicks were the same breed, maybe there is something wrong with them, maybe even genetically. I'm sorry I don't have any wonderful advice, I'm sorry you are going through this.
Thank you, it's so hard. She passed yesterday, wasn't eating in the morning when I put her in front of a small dish of chick starter wet with electrolytes and I knew it wouldn't be long. ☹️

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