Can you do leg exercises with her? Like streatch them out, roll them around and kind of things? That helps strengthen her legs and as if she were actually walking around with her legs. She probably also has this problem because you helped hatch her. When baby chicks hatch they use their legs to kick and pull themselves out of the egg. Since yours didn't do that it has to get its leg strenght a different way. So I greatly recommend leg exercises and propping her up the correct way and holding the legs out as if the chick were stretching. I have done this with my chicks several times and it releases tension and makes them feel better.
Her legs will NOT straighten - its like they are stuck in that position - I have tried massaging them gently but they will not budge. I have been holding her up a lot and letting her "walk" on them by barely putting weight on them, but even she doesn't straighten them out. I thought maybe she had perosis in both legs but I can't feel the tendon. The good thing is she doesn't seem to be in pain - she will lay on her back and let me move her legs without complaint.
Her legs will NOT straighten - its like they are stuck in that position - I have tried massaging them gently but they will not budge. I have been holding her up a lot and letting her "walk" on them by barely putting weight on them, but even she doesn't straighten them out. I thought maybe she had perosis in both legs but I can't feel the tendon. The good thing is she doesn't seem to be in pain - she will lay on her back and let me move her legs without complaint.

I would try the avian super pack she can move them so its worth a try. Hoping and praying she gets better.
I have an idea! So warm water helps you relax and tension releases so you could try letting your chicks legs soak in warm water. It might loosen the legs up a little bit...
Hope this helps
I recommend that you purchase Avian Super Pack. Mix 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water. Use an eyedropper to put a couple of drops of the solution on the side of the chicks beak to drink, do this 4-5 times a day until she improves and is able to walk normally.
X2!!! Another thing, add niacin to the water as well. You can not overdose with the B vitamins as they are water soluable. Make sure there is plenty of water available at all times with this baby.

This thread may help you with ideas for later on if your little one doesn't learn quickly on it's own.
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Thanks for the advice - "Scooter" is showing improvement each day so far. She is up off of her hocks now - but still uses the backs of her legs a lot instead of just her feet for walking. Hoping that this will fix itself with the aid of shoes and bracing. Also tried the warm water bath (water therapy for chickens? who knew?)
- was not expecting that to go well because I didn't think chickens liked swimming - but she LOVES it and it seems to be helping to strengthen her legs. She is now able to hang out in the same brooder as her hatchmates and keeps up with them well!
Thanks for the advice - "Scooter" is showing improvement each day so far. She is up off of her hocks now - but still uses the backs of her legs a lot instead of just her feet for walking. Hoping that this will fix itself with the aid of shoes and bracing. Also tried the warm water bath (water therapy for chickens? who knew?):confused:  - was not expecting that to go well because I didn't think chickens liked swimming - but she LOVES it and it seems to be helping to strengthen her legs. She is now able to hang out in the same brooder as her hatchmates and keeps up with them well!

That is great news! My little chick is also doing great :) the very next day I took off the brace and foot boot and she was straight then I fixed the other foot and same thing the next day was straight, just amazing. She is having diarrhea tho, hoping that goes away soon. Do the vitamins cause diarrhea or help it?
Vitamins can cause diarrhea, usually you only administer vitamins for about 5 days. I wouldnt administer no more than 7 days max. The Avian Super Pack is 5 days per instructions.

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