Chick pecking at every other chick's eyes, help!


Dec 12, 2019
North Florida
I got (6) new chicks today, and 1 chick is being a bully. But not just the regular pecking order bully, she's going for everyone's eyes. And preferentially, she's bullying the 2 bantams. I tried to separate her but give her a friend, but she pecked at every other chick's eyes I put in there with her. She doesn't want to be alone, and keeps trying to jump to where the rest of them are. What do I do? Is she going to grow out of this? Is it going to traumatize her if I keep her separated from the rest of them? One of the bantam babies eyes had blood around it and she has been closing it a lot. Ideas?? Suggestions?? Thanks!
I read these two articles which were helpful:

I separated the problem chick, it doesn't look pretty but we now have a baby jail :/ We cut out a window in the cardboard and put screen on it, and it led to unexpected interest on both sides of the window. At least they can't hurt each other, right? Hoping this resolves over the next week... I was so excited about this batch of chicks because they all seemed really friendly and readily jump into my hands and run to see me when I open the brooder. All this chaos with this bully has been so disruptive and I'm worried about the lasting consequence.
Since the separating, 2 of the bantams have had their eyes pecked by the others and each of them has 1 eye closed this morning. What can I do for them?
It is common for chicks to peck at eyes on others. Most of the time (I haven't had) they don't injure the others. But yes if the problem "child" is injuring other separate maybe with a friend it's not bullying.

Are the ones with eyes closed showing signs of injury or maybe discomfort. I would watch and make sure there's an Injury before I do anything. More than likely they might have discomfort and will be just fine.
Well, yesterday one of the bantams had redness/looked like a little blood around the eye and then she was closing it a lot. This morning it was just closed. It looked like a minor injury, but they are so small already. That injury is what made me separate the bully. I'm not sure what you can do for an eye injury in a Bantam chick so young so I'm just worried about it.
They seem to be doing better, bully is still separated, the bantams opened the eyes all the way. One of the bantams has started pecking at the others now.. go figure... Someone suggested saline for their eyes if they seem injured, thoughts? Seems okay for now.
I would not separate chicks this young.
It can cause more unneeded stress.
See pic above- they are all in the same brooder but separated by cardboard and screening. I read around on this forum that if you have a bully that is doing harm, they can start cannibalizing. One person lost another baby due to a bully, not really willing to take that chance. I'm giving the separated one a lot of attention.

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