Chick Promixity

Nov 7, 2021
Lyric's World
Okay so I have been reading differing experiences about making one's flock friendly.

Honestly, I have made progress because before a week ago I had NEVER touched a live chicken. When hubby had them a decade ago I would not dare touch them. Well, I purchased our gals a little over a week ago and I have touched maybe thrice. They are so soft and squishy I feel like with my big Walter hands I'm gonna break 'em.

Thinking re the friendliness making thing perhaps the "sitting down next to their brooder" as I have read would be next best thing. Here's my query:

Do you R E A L L Y think that will make a difference in my flock not being afeared of me? I think about talking to them (heeey, I'm trying here). But I know I would grow tired of that quickly. I can though sit while doing some reading or meditating.

What I think may be better is when I get my next set of birds having them brood in here where I hang out . . . my Jehovah Joy Bible Study Reading Meditation Watercolouring Calligraphy Business Writing Practice Room. 👍 Geesh, I should just name my hang out "The She Shack"; but don't ya think my name is unique? :gig
Okay so I have been reading differing experiences about making one's flock friendly.

Honestly, I have made progress because before a week ago I had NEVER touched a live chicken. When hubby had them a decade ago I would not dare touch them. Well, I purchased our gals a little over a week ago and I have touched maybe thrice. They are so soft and squishy I feel like with my big Walter hands I'm gonna break 'em.

Thinking re the friendliness making thing perhaps the "sitting down next to their brooder" as I have read would be next best thing. Here's my query:

Do you R E A L L Y think that will make a difference in my flock not being afeared of me? I think about talking to them (heeey, I'm trying here). But I know I would grow tired of that quickly. I can though sit while doing some reading or meditating.

What I think may be better is when I get my next set of birds having them brood in here where I hang out . . . my Jehovah Joy Bible Study Reading Meditation Watercolouring Calligraphy Business Writing Practice Room. 👍 Geesh, I should just name my hang out "The She Shack"; but don't ya think my name is unique? :gig

None of my chickens are cuddle-pets and for most of them if I want to handle them to check bands, etc. I have to take them off the roost at night.

BUT, when I walk in the coop and run I can barely move for all the chickens under my feet. I have actually stepped on not just the Cochin's foot feathers but the chickens actual feet as I tried to move and work.

I am The Giant Who Brings Food!

As prey animals, most chickens are naturally afraid of being held and restrained -- it's like being in the jaws of a predator. But if you sit quietly near them and periodically offer treats at your feet (and later in your hand), some will come up to be close to you.

I even have a couple who will jump up on my lap if I'm there long enough and she's in the mood and might permit some gentle petting. But they don't want to be held and restrained.
Depends on your chickens. Each chicken will have a different personality, believe it or not, and each breed is different. There are certian breeds that are typically pre-disposed to being “friendlier” than others, and some chickens that frankly will never be friendly to humans. This is coming from someone who has had 30+ different breeds of chickens, and hundreds of chickens, many different flocks. They are ALL different. So it’s hard to say what will happen but a good rule of thumb is the more time u spend around them, the more they will at least get “used” to you. Friendly with you? Maybe.

Good luck! Welcome to chikin life :wee :fl

Pics for funsies


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I have to second what is said here. It depends on the breed. Some breeds are more friendly. Eventually (when they are older) though they will come to know you as the bringer of food and all things yummy. Chicks are always more skiddish it's perfectly normal and you're not gonna change that. Occasionally there are exceptions to the rule. My friendliest hens were at two different times when my flock had been picked off to one hen. The one hen would run after me and stick around and wait on the porch for me to come, depositing her "gifts" on the deck while she waited. Another hen again alone would hop up the porch steps when she saw me, fluff out her feathers, sit down next to my lawn chair and preen herself. It was quite unique. Both situations these chickens were alone after predator attacks. I was basically a big odd looking flock mate/companion. I no longer free range but have a big fenced area. Chicks are still developing personalities at this point. The physical handling personally doesn't (I think) make a difference. What matters is how you care for them and also not being loud too I think. You are feeding and caring for them and they know that and that paves the way as adults. I just enjoy watching mine. I don't really pick them up but they aren't scared of me. Everytime I see my adult leghorns..they are under my feet.. literally I have stepped on them. It's like..lady where is the grub? 😁 Sorry for my book..
Depends on your chickens. Each chicken will have a different personality, believe it or not, and each breed is different. There are certian breeds that are typically pre-disposed to being “friendlier” than others, and some chickens that frankly will never be friendly to humans. This is coming from someone who has had 30+ different breeds of chickens, and hundreds of chickens, many different flocks. They are ALL different. So it’s hard to say what will happen but a good rule of thumb is the more time u spend around them, the more they will at least get “used” to you. Friendly with you? Maybe.

Good luck! Welcome to chikin life :wee :fl

Pics for funsies
Awww your chickens are sooo pretty. I just took some pics of them devouoring that watered feed. I'll share below. :D
My girls lopping up the wet fed. I put three lil dishes down this time. One of my chicks is doing a thing. How can I explain it . . . ok, picture riding on a skateboard; one foot on the other doing the scoot thing. Well, this Ameraucauna is doing that with her foot while low or on her bellie. I can hear her scratching the floor of the brooder in here. She is the only one doing that.


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My girls lopping up the wet fed. I put three lil dishes down this time. One of my chicks is doing a thing. How can I explain it . . . ok, picture riding on a skateboard; one foot on the other doing the scoot thing. Well, this Ameraucauna is doing that with her foot while low or on her bellie. I can hear her scratching the floor of the brooder in here. She is the only one doing that.
Sounds like she will be a good future forager👍 good to start young😁
I have several "generations" of birds. Some I raised since chicks. Some have been raised by broodies. I figured the ones I raised would be friendlier, but it's not always the case.

My first 4 (the OGs) ate very friendly. I spent TONS of time with them. But only 1 is a lap chicken: my BPR, Zinnia. My Brahma, Aster, is my little (or big) shadow.



My Silkies, from a later "generation," were also raised by me. They used to be lap chickens, but have since decided it's more fun to act like real chickens.

One of those Silkies raised 3 feed store chicks. I figured they'd be less friendly. But they're just as friendly as my OGs. I never handled them as babies at all, but they are ALWAYS near me and come running whenever they see me.

My current batch of broody-raised babies want nothing to do with me, but the EEs I got as older chicks are approachable and let me pick them up with zero fuss.

Bottom line: I have NO IDEA how to make them friendlier. Being near them a lot couldn't hurt. Maybe sit with them in an area where they can run around and climb on you?

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