Chick/Quail DIY Build


Jun 19, 2020
England, United Kingdom
Hello. I've been trying to decide over the past year wether to start hatching chicks and I've finally decided to take the plunge. I wanted to build a predator proof heavy duty cage for them. It will be in my garage do I'm not too worried about animals coming and taking the chicks at the moment. I've been building a cage which I had no designs for, I've just been building as I go sort of thing. It's turned out to be extremely strong (and heavy).it's a really basic design but I was just sick and tired of the expensive and bad quality ones you can buy. All the materials used were second hand so the only thing I paid for was the screws. It has two lids which are hinged to be able to open them. :lol: Here's a pic.(it won't be staying outside) if anyone has any suggestions of how to improve it at all then please let me know. I may get a roll of astro turf to lay in the bottom.
I’d add automatic water cups and bucket feeders.

How do you plan to clean it? It looks awkward which sometimes means cleaning won’t happen as often as it should.
Yep. I will definitely be using automatic feeders and drinkers. As to the cleaning, the picture doesn't really show it's size very well, you can actually quite easily get inside it. Unlike most people, I actually enjoy cleaning and looking after my animals:lol::cool:
As to the cleaning, the picture doesn't really show it's size very well, you can actually quite easily get inside it.
Well, you could provide dimensions ;) Width x Length x Height
Are you going to crawl in thru the hinged lids to clean?

Is this a brooder for chicken chicks or a quail cage?
Yep. I will be climbing in to clean it. I'm getting some short cut astro turf to lay in the bottom, this means all I have to do is roll it up, shake it out and give it a quick hose down :)
It's going to be used for quail and possibly chicken chicks as well from time to time.
I will be putting some small perches and things for them to jump up onto.

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