Chick-to-chick Integration


7 Years
Jun 12, 2017
Kansas City Metro
My Coop
My Coop
I did a search, but most of the articles have been integrating chicks to an established, or at least older, flock, but I am about to have two sets of babies.

My current set of 5 chicks were born on June 13, so they’ll be 2 weeks on Monday. Chicken math has me getting 6 more from Murray McMurray next week as well (not sure when they’ll arrive, but guessing Wednesday?). I have an extra heat plate just in case, but only have the one brooder right now. Would I be okay to keep them in the same brooder or is my first bunch already too big to play nice?
I did a search, but most of the articles have been integrating chicks to an established, or at least older, flock, but I am about to have two sets of babies.

My current set of 5 chicks were born on June 13, so they’ll be 2 weeks on Monday. Chicken math has me getting 6 more from Murray McMurray next week as well (not sure when they’ll arrive, but guessing Wednesday?). I have an extra heat plate just in case, but only have the one brooder right now. Would I be okay to keep them in the same brooder or is my first bunch already too big to play nice?

You might want to divide your brooder with wire for at least the first few days until you're sure the newbies are firm on their feet and eating and drinking properly. Then monitor the introduction carefully.

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