Chick Trying to Pull Off Its Own Wings

So, I just tried to do that and it couldn't stand up with that on it.
Can you wrap just the wing? Or possibly around the neck so it cannot turn it's head to grab at the wing? Sounds like a good idea but probably not an easy thing to do. We just have to experiment and see what works sometimes.
How can I clean it?
You could wash her with warm water and mild soap/shampoo, towel-dry and then blow-dry her, taking care not to burn her skin with the hot air (use your wrist to gauge the temperature). Yes, it's time consuming but it might give her some comfort. If she continues doing it to the point of drawing blood, you could wrap/strap her with bandages holding both wings against her body and tying it up with masking tape. She'll peck at the bandage but won't be able to reach the wing.
You could wash her with warm water and mild soap/shampoo, towel-dry and then blow-dry her, taking care not to burn her skin with the hot air (use your wrist to gauge the temperature). Yes, it's time consuming but it might give her some comfort. If she continues doing it to the point of drawing blood, you could wrap/strap her with bandages holding both wings against her body and tying it up with masking tape. She'll peck at the bandage but won't be able to reach the wing.
Yes, dawn dishwasher detergent is great. Mix a few drops in water if you're concerned about the strength. Keep the hair dryer on warm, not high.
So, I just tried to do that and it couldn't stand up with that on it.
Provide photos. That way you can get tips on how to wrap.
You could wash her with warm water and mild soap/shampoo, towel-dry and then blow-dry her, taking care not to burn her skin with the hot air (use your wrist to gauge the temperature). Yes, it's time consuming but it might give her some comfort. If she continues doing it to the point of drawing blood, you could wrap/strap her with bandages holding both wings against her body and tying it up with masking tape. She'll peck at the bandage but won't be able to reach the wing.
Yes, dawn dishwasher detergent (original not scented types) is great. Mix a few drops in water if you're concerned about the strength. Keep the hair dryer on warm, not high.
Wondering about he chick. Any updates? Thanks
The next day, we moved them all outside to the coop. I was going to keep this one inside because of its behavior and the fact that it was causing the others to peck at her.

But after everyone was in the brooder in the coop, I thought we might as well give it a try since she was still doing the same behavior whether alone or with the others. (And we have cats inside that I was worried would get her.)

So, we put her outside. Initially, she continued the strange behavior, but by the next day she wasn't doing it anymore and hasn't done it since. The feathers on that wing are still messed up, but she is otherwise acting fine and normal.

I'm wondering if she was having a reaction to the grow lights that were next to the indoor brooder (because they were next to my plants that were started indoors). Grow lights are different from regular lights since they are broad spectrum, so that might be why we had an issue this time but never have before. I've heard of some people being really sensitive to lights - usually due to a neurological issue.

Anyway, whatever the issue was, she has calmed down and is fine now.

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