Chick under 24 hours might be ill, need help! Update in first post.


10 Years
Mar 14, 2009
Southwest, Ohio
We have a chick that hatched less than 24 hours ago. It doesnt open its eyes even when the other chicks run into it and make it move, I dont know how long its eyes have been closed. When i held it a few minutes ago it opened them a little bit and then when i put him back it closed them again. It is also sleeping(cant tell if it is sleeping or just lying down) the whole time its in there unless another bumps into it, then it'll get up a for a speck of time. It still isnt balanced hardly at all when the one that hatched around the same time is. None of the other chicks are doing this. Is something wrong with its eyes that it wont open them much and he feels safer lying around? This is the first time me and my sister have hatched and we are pretty woried about the chick.

Update: I had it out this morning on a paper plate with some food and it pecked at it so when i put it back a showed it where the food was and it started eating and drinking. Well now the baby is doing so much better. Running around and acting like the others. Eyes are open, standing a lot more and eating and drinking good. Thanks for reply to my post.
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it may just be weak or there could be something wrong with it. if the eyes are able to open then, and you have been able to gently open them then they are not stuck (sometimes the lids stick closed) then I would say that the chick is weak. Try some poly-vi-sol no iron (drop or 2 in mouth) or some sugar water. You can also grind up the starter feed so that it is eaven easier for it to eat and try to get it to eat by pecking at the food with your finger giving it the message that this is food. If is seems that the others are hurting it by trampling and such seperate it but put in a small stuffed animal for comfort.

Unfortunatly sometimes even though they hatch there is something wrong and they dont always make it, but you can try to give it this extra support and see what happens.

does it chirp a lot? that is also a sign of sometimes something being wrong.
Thanks for the reply.
I have only noticed it chirping when i picked it up, or when another touches it and he stands up for a second.
try the added vitamins or sugar water and see if it perks up. It does not really need to eat since it still has the yolk sack that it absorbed but would help to give it energy. how are the feet can it stand up if it wants to? can you notice any other differences it has from the others?
It is doing a little bit better now. We saw it drink a few minutes ago and it tried to to peck at some food. It can also stand a little bit better than before. The only difference i have noticed is its taking it longer to get balacned good and the others seem to keep there eyes open, one of the others had its eyes closed for a minute earlier but they are open again.
Yesterday, I had a chick under 24 hours with the same problem, and I gave it water tipped towards its' beak with a small spoon and it drank some. I did this every 4 hours or so (until I went to bed) and today (48 hours old) I gave it a small amount of cooked egg yolk and it perked up after that.

Mine stands alot, a bit tippy, with eyes usually closed (although they now seem to open fine, it was just slow to keep them open for periods of time.)The others bump into it alot passing it to get to food/waterer, but it makes its' way along to eat and drink, it's just not as lively as the others.

I hope yours is going to be okay, fingers crossed for them both!

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