Chick with broken leg??


8 Years
Jul 14, 2011
Engadine, MI
I have a 3 weeks old Cochin Bantam chick that appears to have a broken leg (I think she got jumped by one of the other chicks) I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this and how to splint the leg. SHe is eating and drinking and hops a round but she does look miserable and I would like to fix it if I could. I can't figure out how to post pics but if anyone has any helpful pics to share with me it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance, Marcy
Sorry to hear about the leg injury. I can't help you with advice as i don't even have chickens yet but...if you do a search for broken leg, you'll see some hopeful (and maybe helpful) posts about this issue. I hope you get some responses soon.

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