Chick with bubbles coming out of mouth?


Apr 11, 2022
south central IL
6 day old chicks, we just took them for a "field trip" out into the run for about 15 mins, then brought them back into their brooder in the coop. I noticed one looking like he was panting, so we picked him up and brought him inside. He had bubbles coming out of his mouth and is kind of holding his head up and panting/clicking his beak. I felt where I think his crop is, and there seems to be a hard lump in that area, but it seems like it might be kind of high for the crop...I searched and found a thread saying the bubbling is an indication of being water logged, but wasnt sure with the lump.

EDIT: I just felt one of the other healthy chicks and feel the same lump, so I assume what I'm feeling is a full crop...

If it is water logged, how long does it usually take them to come out of it?
Here is what he looks like when he occasionally stretches his head up...

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