Chick with bumps on wing


8 Years
Jul 23, 2014
Hello everyone I attempted to post earlier but do not believe it went through. Hopefully I am not double posting. I have a two baby chicks with bumps on their wings as well as some bruising and scabbing under their wings. I am unsure if this is a problem or has to do with their feathers coming in. They are eating, drinking and active. It does not smell infected and I do not see pus. Thank you for any help and hope everyone is having a great weekend!
good luck! Keep us updated. BTW It looks like RIR?? I currently have 2 that are 2.5 weeks old ! prettiest chicks i have! the rest are solid colors like black red or white lol
Thank you. I am not sure what breed she is. The roosters are RIR, Buff Orpington, and a mix. This was the first year we hatched, next year I plan to breed true to breed. I am fairly certain it was a pecking issue. I had another chick with missing tail feathers today. I do not usually have issues, but both days these issues have presented I have been at work. I think the chicks are getting fiesty while I am gone. To everyone else they just sound like chicks. When I am home I am able to tell the high pitch distressed chirp from the normal chatter. I put today's chick in isolation. The other two seem to be healing well. What other kinds of chicks do you have and how many?
Any time I have birds pecking each other like that, I put a little dab of Vicks vapor rub on the spot. They learn quick to leave it alone. Also, I draw red dots on the sides of my brooder box. Seems to distract them and give them something else to peck at. Be sure you don't have them overcrowded. If some are a lot smaller, you might have to put them in a separate brooder.
Thank you.  I am not sure what breed she is.  The roosters are RIR, Buff Orpington, and a mix.  This was the first year we hatched, next year I plan to breed true to breed.  I am fairly certain it was a pecking issue.  I had another chick with missing tail feathers today.  I do not usually have issues, but both days these issues have presented I have been at work.  I think the chicks are getting fiesty while I am gone.  To everyone else they just sound like chicks.  When I am home I am able to tell the high pitch distressed chirp from the normal chatter.  I put today's chick in isolation.  The other two seem to be healing well.  What other  kinds of chicks do you have and how many?

Currently I have :

First batch:
3 white Plymouth rocks (3 weeks old) pullets  (had 4 but our dog thought one looked tasty!)

2 -ISA REDS??pullets (3 weeks old) can't find that Brees on the internet but that's what TSC had then listed as

2nd batch (2 weeks old):
2- Rhode Island Reds pullets
2 - black sexed link pullets
2 speckled Sussex straight run (pretty sure 1 male and 1 female by determining wing growth)

3rd batch coming in mail today
4- barred rock pullets
1- male barred rock
4- black  Australorp pullets
1 male black Australope
5-buff rock pullets
1 mystery rare breed they threw in for free!
Thank you for the great ideas. I am certain one chick in the batch is a bully. I saw her/him pulling another chick by the leg, really hard. I went to grab her and she blended in with the mix. There are 20 in a large toddler pool. Then I have 10 and 10 in a smaller toddler pool.s with netting I pulled the smallest 20 a week ago to be sure they had enough food/water/roost. I separated the three that looked like they had been bleeding. What do you use for your brooder and for how many chicks?
Currently I have :

First batch:
3 white Plymouth rocks (3 weeks old) pullets (had 4 but our dog thought one looked tasty!)

2 -ISA REDS??pullets (3 weeks old) can't find that Brees on the internet but that's what TSC had then listed as

2nd batch (2 weeks old):
2- Rhode Island Reds pullets
2 - black sexed link pullets
2 speckled Sussex straight run (pretty sure 1 male and 1 female by determining wing growth)

3rd batch coming in mail today
4- barred rock pullets
1- male barred rock
4- black Australorp pullets
1 male black Australope
5-buff rock pullets
1 mystery rare breed they threw in for free!

That sounds like a fun mix. That TSC tricked me into starting chickens :) I have two left, both sex linked. Good with all those chicks, I understand it can be hard when they are various ages. Let me know how your mail order came along. I do not have any buff rocks or Australops and are curious of what you think of the breeds.
Ok! They actually all cane alive in the mail yesterday!

The free rare I'm a little disappointed on.... looked up the breed and it's poor meat and poor cold tolerance I live in ND and I don think it will make it and I can't eat it so what am I supposed to do?

Yea when I mixed my secondo batch from TSC to my week old first batch... it was a little shakey start the speckled Sussex were kinda mean... but within a few hours everything leveled out...

As for my new batch I got them separated from the other two batches and kicked them out to the main part of the coop and separated them by stapling a tarp and making a makshift wall lol

Everybody is doing fine so far... I will have to say my TSC chicks we're way more calm than my murray chicks Everytime I walk I to the camper they all scatter like crazy in the brooder... proably not use to humans yet we're as the TSC chicks we're flaunted in front of people everyday


^Murray's chicks I got yesterday


^mystery rare one


^first batch in main part of coop


^Chicken coop / camper... this is before I built the wall you can see my brooder in the back where the bed use to be lol

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