Chick with crooked neck but I don't think is wry neck??


Jan 9, 2017
I have a 6 week old chick who suddenly developed a crooked neck last week. It first started out looking like a growth on her right shoulder which caused her head/neck to be shifted to the left. It was fairly hard feeling and I could gently move her neck in the right direction but only a little before she protested. The curve to the left starts right where the neck meets her body. She seems to be eating and drinking fine, but she is definitely smaller than her siblings. She does also seem to get off balance a little at times.

Initially, I wondered if she had an impacted crop. I bought chick grit in hopes that would alleviate it. The lump has since decreased some but her neck is still shifted to the left in an 'S' shape.

It doesn't seem like classic wry neck because she can hold her head up and it isn't flopping over or anything like that. She can move her head left and right--just not her neck. It seems the only reason she doesn't raise her head high like the others is something is preventing her from raising her head - like an issue with her bones? Almost like it was fractured or is out of joint where the neck meets the body??

In the pictures I attached, that is of her turning her head straight forward:

What do you think? Atypical wry neck? Another disease? What can I do for this poor chick?

Wry neck can manifest in different ways. Some can be very subtle. It appears to me your chick does in fact have wry neck. It can occur at any time in the life span of a chicken and be anywhere from mild to severe.

Treat with vitamin E oil 400iu once a day with a half tablet of selenium until the symptoms disappear.

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