Chick with hurt foot?


7 Years
Mar 28, 2012
Hi. I have a chick that was hatched yesterday around 1 p.m. When he came out of his shell, he accidentally fell out of the egg carton and I don't know if that was when he hurt himself. At first I thought he was just walking like a newborn chick but now it's time for him to walk normally and he still limps. I thought he had spraddle legs, but I noticed his legs aren't splayed. He picks one foot up when he walks so I concluded that he has bruised or sprained his leg or knee? I put the band-aid splint on him when I thought he had spraddle legs. The splint is still on him. Does anyone have an idea about this? Thanks for any and all advice!
If you think he has a slipped tendon, he will need it put back in place ASAP. There are instructions on the Poultry Podiatry page in my sig if they are helpful.
Best wishes! It's very had to watch a little one have troubles.
Thanks for asking! He/she is still with us. The tendon is still slipped, but the chick can get around. He is still almost the same size as when he first hatched, though, and I don't know why. I've read that chicks with leg problems don't get as much food/water as the others, so they're smaller, but wouldn't that make them skinner instead of stunted in growth?
Thanks for updating us on how he's been doing.
I'm not sure?? I think getting less nutrients would make them grow smaller, too.
I know one I had that had leg problems grew slower than her brother when she was a chick. I think it was partly because stress of dealing with her leg problems & treatments burned up a lot of her food & energies.
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