Chick with slipped Achilles tendon *Update - She's gone*


9 Years
Jun 29, 2010
The Lakes Region, NH
I have a chick who hatched last nigh with what I believe to be a slipped Achilles tendon. I've found some posts and a poultry site on how to treat, but I need clarification. What exactly should it feel like? I've felt her joint, but it just feels bony. Do I need to extend her leg all the way back to put the tendon in place? She doesn't like it when I try to move her leg back. Does anyone have any experience with this? I could really use some help!

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I am completely heartbroken. I brought little Faith to an avian vet this afternoon, hoping something could be done to fix her leg. She did have a slipped tendon, and in the doctor's opinion, only costly surgery would give her the best chance. Even with the surgery he couldn't be certain she would fully recover. Without surgery she could learn to live with her disability but would have a poor quality of life and would never be able to live with the flock. Knowing this, the decision should have been easy, but I had a very difficult time deciding to have her euthanized. I have grown very attached to her in the past two days while nursing her. I literally held her all day yesterday because it was the only way she was comfortable. I held her in her box the entire hour ride home, sobbing and hoping I made the right decision. The 'what ifs' keep dragging me down. What if she could have healed on her own? What if I had given her more time? I kept thinking I could hear her peeping inside her little box, but I couldn't bear the thought of seeing her little body. I am waiting for DH to come home so we can bury her in my flower garden. At this point I can only focus on my chicks that have hatched and appreciate them more for the happiness they create. I'm sorry to unload all of this, but there aren't many people who understand the charm of a chicken.
So sorry...<3
It's my own experience, the people around me outside of family don't understand how a chicken takes hold of you....
But at least this great place is here...everyone is always so comforting and understanding. I wish the whole world was like that...
You loved her and that's the greatest thing you could do for her.
So very sorry. If it's any consolation, I've tried nursing chicks like that and still ended up putting them down after weeks of caretaking and becoming very attached. As they grow, it becomes very difficult for them to get around, the other leg starts to give out and their quality of life is just not good. You did the right thing, believe me, and hope you can find some joy in your other little ones. I do know how hard it is, especially when you are not sure about the outcome:(

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