Chick won’t move


May 30, 2020
Hi I’m having some trouble with my chick, she seems to not move and she sits idle her legs aren’t spread out so I don’t think her legs are splayed, she moves very little and chips very little. We thought she had pasty butt and cleaned her vent but I don’t know how long it’ll take her to recover if she does have pasty, finally right after cleaning her she moved around a lot more but by the next morning she’s not moving again

please help
Can you provide more information? Brooder set up and temp, feed type, any water additives, and maybe a photo of the chick. Does she still have pasty butt? I'm not sure if I can help but I know a few basics and I know pasty butt.
She’s a leg horn and she seems to be the smallest of the group as well, the brooder I’m using is a box with shavings in that I replace daily, as for heat the best I could do until my lamp arrives is Put a blanket over the box which seems to work, they don’t pile on top of each other they rest peaceful around the chick that is idle, as for the pasty butt, I’m unaware but her vent appears to be clean


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She’s a leg horn and she seems to be the smallest of the group as well, the brooder I’m using is a box with shavings in that I replace daily, as for heat the best I could do until my lamp arrives is Put a blanket over the box which seems to work, they don’t pile on top of each other they rest peaceful around the chick that is idle, as for the pasty butt, I’m unaware but her vent appears to be clean
Sometimes chicks just exhibit failure to thrive and don't make it.
However, try giving her some coconut oil. Chill it in the refrigerator to make it solid then slip pieces into her beak and encourage her to swallow it. Try to get about 1/4 tsp into her.
I would also try to get about 5 drops of Poultry nutri-drench into her as well. Be extremely careful not to aspirate her. I let the PND wick into the beak from the side and let the chick swallow on their own.
You should get some stones, wash and rinse them and put them in your little water bowl to keep the chicks from falling in it and getting chilled or drowning.
Do you have a heating pad without an auto-off feature? You can fashion a momma heat pad with it. But you will need more room in the brooder for that. You will soon need a brooder about three times the size you have so you should start looking for a much larger box. Try the home improvement stores for a larger box.
Sometimes chicks just exhibit failure to thrive and don't make it.
However, try giving her some coconut oil. Chill it in the refrigerator to make it solid then slip pieces into her beak and encourage her to swallow it. Try to get about 1/4 tsp into her.
I would also try to get about 5 drops of Poultry nutri-drench into her as well. Be extremely careful not to aspirate her. I let the PND wick into the beak from the side and let the chick swallow on their own.
You should get some stones, wash and rinse them and put them in your little water bowl to keep the chicks from falling in it and getting chilled or drowning.
Do you have a heating pad without an auto-off feature? You can fashion a momma heat pad with it. But you will need more room in the brooder for that. You will soon need a brooder about three times the size you have so you should start looking for a much larger box. Try the home improvement stores for a larger box.
Ahh I see this helps, I’m still afraid if she has cocci (I believe that’s how you spell it) but I don’t know, different websites state different symptoms

also I’m unaware how to feed a chick like your instructions, as in put food in there beak
Ahh I see this helps, I’m still afraid if she has cocci (I believe that’s how you spell it) but I don’t know, different websites state different symptoms

also I’m unaware how to feed a chick like your instructions, as in put food in there beak
She does not have coccidiosis. She is inside a clean dry brooder and is a big young for that.

Gently pry open her beak and smear the coconut oil on the roof of her beak and let her close her beak. It will melt in there and she should swallow it. Keep repeating that until she takes about 1/4 tsp. Take your time with it.

I've done this with a chick that had pasty butt and looked bloated like she was constipated and couldn't poop. By morning, she looked back to normal.
I've tried it with others that died regardless. Not all chicks make it. The stress of being shipped really throws the weaker ones down and they will die no matter what you try. Just be prepared for that.
That’s good to hear, She also does this sort of shakes her head rapidly whenever I turn her on her back

I was following your instructions my neighbor walked over and mentioned that her symptoms appear to be exactly like toavian encephalomyelitis (I had to google it)
That’s good to hear, She also does this sort of shakes her head rapidly whenever I turn her on her back

I was following your instructions my neighbor walked over and mentioned that her symptoms appear to be exactly like toavian encephalomyelitis (I had to google it)
Don't put her in her back. That's not safe
If she has AE the others will get infected too. It's a virus and there is no treatment for it that I am aware of.
Don't put her in her back. That's not safe
If she has AE the others will get infected too. It's a virus and there is no treatment for it that I am aware of.
Oh no....well I hope I’ve quarantined her quick enough, do you know of a way to put her down then, as much as I hate to see her go I don’t want her to endure the whole thing

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