Chicken 859

What kind of run cover are you going to put up? Solid will help keep rain & snow off of them as well as keep raptors and climbers out. Do you have hardware cloth on the sides of the run - looks like it. :thumbsup
Not sure what to put on the roof yet but it will be something solid. Either coroline or corrigated plastic. That'll keep them safe and keep the weather off of them so they don't have to remain cooped up!
So far I've used recycled timber and only had to pay out for the wielded mesh, paint and fixings. The roof will probably be the biggest expence.
Well, I got the run completed just in time for the arrival of our hens.
It's been a lot of hard work (I'm no carpenter) but I'm really pleased with the result. Where I used mostly recycled/left over timber, the final cost came in at under £300!

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