Chicken Acting Sick, Please Help!


Bantam Cochin Collector
Oct 14, 2021
My Sapphire Gem hen named Ada is acting sick all of the sudden. She is around 10 months old. Thankfully, she has been eating and drinking. Some of the symptoms are:
Not laying eggs
Not walking/running normally
stiff wing
Terrible balance.

She has been hanging out in the coop the past few days. She is not as energetic as she used to be. Can somebody please identify this? I can provide pics if needed.
Possibly Marek's. But heat stroke also produces such symptoms. If that's is what this is, she should improve if given a cup of water with a teaspoon of sugar stirred in with just a pinch of salt and baking soda. Or give her some Gatoraid to drink.
We did have a couple of hot days. But it has since cooled down. I will try the drink mix when I get home. Would heat stroke still be affective?
My Sapphire Gem hen named Ada is acting sick all of the sudden. She is around 10 months old. Thankfully, she has been eating and drinking. Some of the symptoms are:
Not laying eggs
Not walking/running normally
stiff wing
Terrible balance.

She has been hanging out in the coop the past few days. She is not as energetic as she used to be. Can somebody please identify this? I can provide pics if needed.
Do you have photos of her and her poop?

Not laying eggs - how long?
Any bloat or fluid in the abdomen below her vent?
What does her crop feel like?
What do you feed, including treats?

Stiff wing - have you looked for signs of bruising, injury or abrasions on the wing, including the body underneath the wing?

I agree, I would work on hydration. Hard to know what's going on with her, possibly heat stress, she may be having some reproductive problems or disease like Marek's could be at play too.

I have some Sapphire Gems. Mine have been prolific layers as most hybrids can be. Sweet hens too. Hope your Gal comes around.
I assume that the pullet was not vaccinated for Mareks? Do you have a rooster who might have injured her? If she still is like this after getting plenty of fluids with electrolytes into her, Mareks or an injury is probably the problem. If you can post any pictures of how she looks or a short video, that would be good. Videos have to be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo with a link posted here.

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