Chicken ate a whole dead chick


9 Years
Nov 22, 2014
Jalalabad,Nangarhar, Afghanistan.
Today when i was opening the coop,I found a dead 6 day old chick under its mother.
I put it aside so that I can discard it later.
I got busy with my other chickens.meanwhile a hen found that chick and swollowed it whole,I chased the hen so that I can take that chick from her,but failed.
Will the hen be able to digest it???
Won't it cause any crop problems?
Plz help
She swallowed it in one swallow?

I'm going to guess is she was able to get it down, then she "should" be able to process it.

Check her crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks - it should be empty. If it's not, then I would be inclined to cage her with just water and a very small amount of wet feed and see how it goes.

Chickens eat whole mice and frogs, so...

Keep us posted.

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